12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sunday #4, 8 June 2014

The sky was bright blue and clear when we woke up.  We chatted about how beautiful it was and no rain - that is at the moment.  Who knows what it will be like after church.  We prepared and caught the minibus to church where the talks and lessons were wonderful.  I met Sister Clark, the primary president.  I was asked this week to do Sharing Time on June 29, about temples.  She showed me where it would be held and answered any questions I had.

We were late getting home as there was a broken down bus on the road.  Remember, there are no shoulders on the roads and if you stop, you are taking up at least half of the lane.  The queue was backed up quite a ways as the two lanes of traffic took turns going passed it.

We had lunch and then I tried my hand at baking chocolate chip cookies.  The mixture went together well but the baking part was a little sketchy.  Changing fahrenheit to celsius is a feat and then seeing how the oven would cook.  I learned it cooks hotter in the back.  The next time I bake, I will do just two rows of dough, leaving the back of the pan empty.  The cookies got a little brown and the flavor is different, but they are good.
Should have brought Mexico vanilla!
After they cooled, we bagged some of them up and went visiting.  We delivered bags to the Christensen's, the Cooper's, the Davis', the Murdoch's (they live right next door), Sister Hale, Sister Adler, and Sister Pemberton (I always think of Pemberly when I see her).  We had a great time visiting with them and enjoying the beauty of the afternoon.  It was interesting to see flats like ours and how others have the furniture arranged.

The day ended with clouds here and there, but no rain.  With no TV, we find ourselves reading a lot.  We sent some emails, sorted through pictures, and talked with Shawn's family.

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