12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, June 12, 2014

2nd Week of 2nd Shift, 10 Jun 2014

It is a beautiful day and the flowers and shrubs around the temple are blooming and blossoming in profusion.  The ski quickly changes from clear blue, to wispy clouds, to heavy white billowing clouds - no rain today, though.

We were in our flat for the morning with windows opened.  We engaged in ironing, mending, reading, family history research, napping, cooking and other such activities and chores.  I felt like I was camping!  The windows were open with the fresh breeze coming through, all we could see outside were green, green, and more green tall trees.  Couple that with making do with our limited resources in the flat and a different bed, it did feel like we were camping!

We are baptistry coordinators again this week, only we are on our own.  That is a little scary.  When you coordinate the baptistry, it is just the two of you.  The groups that come are to bring brothers and sisters to assist but not all do, thus we scramble to get brothers in the temple to help.  They already have assignments so there is a juggling act to pull it all together.

At 2 p.m. we had a session of BYU Study Abroad students; 32 girls and 1 boy.  The one boy was the baptizer for the 320 names!  He was a prune when he came out of the font.  We pulled other workers to assist as the laundry stacked up.  There were five other youth that came in to do baptisms, 3 of which were siblings from Utah.  Their family was here to pick up their son who just completed his mission in the London South Mission.  He and the parents were on a session while the other three were doing baptisms.  We finished up at 6 p.m. and went to have supper.  Afterward we came back to the baptistry to discuss procedure with our trainer and President Crossland.  We gained a little more confidence in what we are doing.

A couple was needed in the 7 p.m. session, so we were on.  We got to the flat about 9:15 p.m., tired and ready to relax.  It had been a very busy day.

1 comment:

  1. That's an amazing amount of baptisms. Wow! It's good to know you're becoming comfortable with your assignments.
