12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Trip To Town & Wi-Fi, 2 Jun 2014

We started the wash today and as the day progressed, we finished loads, folded and hung the clothing, ready for the week.  Using the apartment-sized washer and dryer took a bit to adjust to.  The washer has so many different settings that I had to study them out and decide which would be best for each load.  I figured out the short cycle and that is what I use in an effort to save time, water, and electricity, and the earth?

The dryer is a condenser dryer.  It has no vent but instead removes the water from the clothes.  There is a container that collects the water that we have to empty after so many loads.

We met out at the road with a group of other temple missionaries to catch the bus to Crawley.  Some caught the Tesco bus.  There were twelve in our group and when we got to the mall, everyone went different directions and knew to be back in two hours to catch the bus home.  Dad and I went to the Three store, purchased a cell phone for Dad and got set up to tether my devices off of his to have Internet access.   We were excited to let the children know we now have wi-fi in our flat.  We went in different stores and looked at all they had.  We are still getting used to what things actually are and where to find what.  We did find McDonald’s and had lunch.  It was very tasty.

County Mall at Crawley

Brother Parkinson bought a car from a missionary couple that left just before we got here.  He is having a hard time getting insurance for it and getting it registered, etc.  He told Dad today that if we wanted, we could buy it from him.  He has decided he does not want to drive after all.  I rode with Dad as he took it for a little drive around the car park.  Remember, the steering wheel is on the right side of the car and you drive on the left side of the road.  Riding in the car seemed funny and Dad had to remember to shift with his left hand.  We are not decided if we will buy it, but are looking into insurance, etc.  It will be pretty expensive to own a car here, but then fairly convenient.

Brother Davis, retired U.S. military, went to the commissary today.  He had asked us on Friday if we needed anything and if we did to make a list and get it to him.  We were surprised when he came back and said he got everything on our list.  Dad got his alcohol and I got the exact hair care products I wanted along with some American cooking items.  You don’t realize you miss something until you do without and cannot get it.

The rest of the day and evening was spent in finishing up household chores, Dad learning about his new phone, and talking to children and grandchildren.

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