12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, June 16, 2014

Saturday is Busy, 14 Jun 2014

Today is Flag Day in America.  It is also the day that Les Haney died in a plane crash in 1985.  This day always gives me pause to think of Beth, her children, and the challenges they lived through during that time.

The two shifts overlap on Saturdays due to the increase in attendance.  When we went in, there was a baptism session going on.  We assisted the other coordinators in handling it.  It went smoothly and I worked in keeping towels in the baptistry, handing out clothing, and running cards to the recorder.  We also got the laundry into the washers and dryers.

We had one baptism session on our shift, but only two people showed up; a brother and a sister.  We had family file names for them to do.  It was the first time for the brother and he was a little nervous.  His bishop was with him and did the baptizing which helped him to relax.  Afterward, we finished loading the washers and turning them on.  We folded three loads of towels and spent time in other areas of service.

We were home by 5 p.m. and enjoyed a quiet evening.

Kendal sent us a box of our casual clothes at the first of the week.  It shipped to the UK in two days but is now held up at customs.  Fed Ex has been in communication with us about the content of the box and just how we will be getting it.  Seems they have lost the form Kendal filled out declaring what was in it.  They wanted us to fill out another form that we had to print out.  We went to the Christensen's to do that.  Once we had it printed out, we realized it did not apply to us!  Anyway, we sent an email back to the agent and she in turn said we would have to pay a duty fee of £21.75.  We said that would be fine and asked how do we do that?  We are waiting to hear back.  I wonder if we will get the box.

Things from home:
Jeanna came to help Katie with her new baby.
Gabe, Caleb, Jeremiah, Henry, Lorili, & Eliza.
The wonders of a newborn.

Caleb and Eliza.

Summer fun in the water.  Henry, Gabe, & Caleb.

Eliza is growing.

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