12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, June 27, 2014

Shopping Day, 26 Jun 2014

It was much cooler today!  Wished I had brought a sweater on our shopping outing.  When we came out of the temple, we saw that it had rained some, not much, but enough to wet the car park.

We were off shopping and had a great time.  Wow, we are feeling more comfortable with going in stores, knowing which ones to go in, and finding what we are looking for.  We asked for help on some items and the clerks were most helpful.  We came home with a completed list, yea!

We got the items put away, had lunch, dressed, and were off to the temple.  Our preparation meeting training was on safety in the temple and then on personal safety and good health.  Brother Atkins said they have to present this training every six months.

Our schedule went well and there were more patrons than yesterday.  We were provided with adequate workers for our task and they arrived on time.  We have become very comfortable with this assignment.

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