12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, June 27, 2014

Monday, The Busy Day, 23 Jun 2014

We were busy today!  We cleaned the flat, did the laundry and the ironing.  We are still figuring out the washer and dryer and what will work best for us.  I get a little impatient with the washer taking an hour for one load.  Brother Murdoch popped his head in to see if he could help us understand it better.  Ours is not like his but he did say lowering the temperature will shorten the cycle.

We went to Crawley on the bus to shop.  We found everything we had on our list!  That included an over the door rack, canisters, Dad a hat and a small sleeping pillow, a barber's cape (They have Sally's beauty supply here!), and onion salt.  We figured out more of the bus system which got us to another part of the shopping area.

The English are very proud of their biscuits, sugar, tea, and coffee.  All the canisters were so labeled. I settled for a biscuit and to sugar ones.  I know what is in them and if I want, I can always turn them around.

Hey Isabel, what do you think?
Sister Mulholland talked with us at the bus stop to see if we would help out with a musical fireside they are planning for August.  She asked us to sing a specific hymn together.  So, we will be busy with that.  Our social calendar is getting full!

We worked on the blog for our trip this weekend.  So many fun pictures to edit and things to remember!

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