12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Skies Are Fair Above Us, 9 Jun 2014

We woke up to bright sunshine and a cool breeze.  It is Monday and we have plenty to do.  There was laundry and flat cleaning that took precedence.  We are getting the hang of our flat and settling in to the comforts provided.  We have decided that for what we pay a month, it is a bargain:  flat, utilities, furnishings that include dishes, sheets, trash bags, vacuum cleaner, dish soap, and toilet paper.  Can't beat that.

I went with a group to the mall in Crawley.  We had two hours and it was great to go into the shops and stores and check things out.  I had lunch at McDonald's, again.  It was delicious!  I miss In n Out Burger!  I came home with a skirt, a blouse, vaseline, chapstick, door wedges (door stops), and a Father's Day gift for Dad.  We will see if he reads this and finds out I bought him something.  Shhhhhh!

Julie will be proud as I helped a sister set up her blog this evening.  We were in the reading room with laptops in hand and went to it.  She was so excited for my help.

Late afternoon brought rain clouds and it rained.  It cooled down the temperature and the fresh air from outside was wonderful.  By the way, that is how we cool the flat - opened windows.  I did pick up a table fan from reception this afternoon but didn't turn it on yet.  The air pulls through rather nicely from the bathroom window through the hall into the living room.

Dad was off with a group of the brothers to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford.  They were gone for the day and had lunch at Burger King.  Where is In n Out?

The Mighty Concorde.  Two seats on each side of the isle with not much more room  than economy fights.  It travels at 1400 miles an hour, taking about 3 hours to cross the Atlantic.  It cost £8,000 round trip.  It is out of service.

F86, an American fighter plane, is the only one in England and is soon to return to the United States.

F111, has swept wing; adjustable.  They go out straight and fly without using much fuel.  When  needed to go faster, the wings fold back into the airplane and uses more fuel.

Not sure.

B52, largest long range bomber built in America.  It came after the war but was used during the cold war.  They kept 10 to 12 of them in the air at all times in case of a need to retaliate at any moment.  (Many of them are at the Pima Air Museum in Tucson.)

The rest of the B52.

P51 Mustang.  Before this plane flew, the German planes ruled the sky, being the 'hunters."  With the advent of the faster flying P51 taking flight, the Germans became the "hunted," changing the direction of the war.  This is a one seater and Dad took a ride in a two seater a couple of years ago.  It was a thrill!

Prop plane getting ready to take flight.

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