12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Red Letter Day! 17 Jun 2014

Wow!  It happened!  Our package from Kendal came today!  And, we did not have to pay the import tax!  We are not sure what happened, but we checked the tracking number and it said it had been delivered today.  We called over to reception and they said they did have a box for us.  We took off to get it.  We had such fun opening it, Christmas is here!  Thank you Kendal!
Dad trying out his throw - Ahhhhhh.  Sandals, shirts, skirts, and pants were a pleasant sight.

We also . . . . . got a memory foam mattress traded out for the one we had!  What a blessing!  I am looking forward to better nights.  Thank you, Brother Atkins!

We went to the distribution center and bought a couple of pictures of Jesus and one of the temple and we put them up in the flat.  Things are looking better and more like we live here, not just visiting.

Dad even got a hair cut with the new clippers we had purchased last week.  We didn't have a hair cutting apron so he donned mine!  That is on our shopping list now.

We began training as coordinators in another area of the temple today.  Brother and Sister Strong are our trainers and are doing an excellent job.  We were both a little confused at first, but it came and we are learning.  Our duties include keeping a time schedule, seeing to the individual needs of patrons, and securing adequate temple workers.  They kept telling us we will have to communicate as a couple because you have to work closely together to see that this process happens.  It kept us on our toes and we were busy all the time.  Before we knew it our shift was over and we went home.

Things from home:
Tyler's family moving into new house!
Friend, Geri Lundgren sending greetings from her trip to Oregon.
Greetings from Adellae and Brynlyn!

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