12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, June 6, 2014

Shopping Day, 5 Jun 2014

Dad had a bought with a kidney stone during the night and it was touch and go to see if he would be able to work today.  Thankfully, he managed to pass the stone after breakfast and got an hour of good sleep before we headed to the temple.  He was a bit slow, no energy, but fulfilled his assignment in the baptistry.

The group that showed up today was rather small; three sisters came in one after the other and they were able to do baptisms and confirmations.  We finished up early and then were off to other assignments.

Our afternoon was filled.  Dad had a doctor's appointment that Brother Strong took him to.  He was getting settled with a doctor to oversee his diabetic needs.  He was home long before I got back from the weekly shopping trip.  I had list in hand and took off in Sainsbury's to gather up the items.  I am still a bit at a loss in the stores. Arrrggghhhh!!!  I go up and down the isles trying to read labels and determine just what the product might be.  Well, an hour later I was out the door with four large shopping bags full!  I lost my list somewhere in the store and couldn't remember all that was on it.  There will be a next time.

Food Challenges:
1.  The red milk cap is for skimmed milk.
2.  The green milk cap is for semi-skimmed milk.
3.  Gherkins in vinegar are dill pickles.
4.  Sugar is not in the baking isle where the flour, leavening agents, flavorings, etc. are.
5.  Twisty ties - did you ever think you would miss them?

I sat in the front seat of the minibus on this trip and it was wonderful to see where we were going from the front instead of from the side.  The roads are becoming more familiar.  On the way back we were in the middle of rush hour in East Grinstead.  It was stop and go with long queues of traffic.
A house set off the road in the town.

Other than rush hour or road repair, the traffic tends to move continuously.  There are very few traffic lights; mainly roundabouts and "give way" signs.  Even though the speed limit may be 30 mph, you still feel like you are going somewhere because you are moving.

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