12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Slow Day! 25 Jun 2014

We spent the morning in our flat catching up on reading, blogging, and various household chores.  I worked on the primary booklet for the visitor's centre, getting four of the eight pages formatted.  The weather was very pleasant and opened windows were a delight.

We went early to the temple to attend the 11:15 a.m. session.  There were about 12 total in the group and it went very well.  Afterward we had lunch in the canteen (cafeteria) and enjoyed the food and the association with others.

Our shift began at 2 p.m. with preparation meeting and then we were off to our assignment.  It was a very low patron attendance day and we were short staff as well.  Staff was used in many instances to have enough to hold a session.  We were then scrambling to have enough staff to finish it off.  It is interesting how the Lord provides and we were able to take care of what was needed.  By evening's end we had 83 patrons in.

It has not rained in a couple of weeks and everyone is praying for rain.  Sister Crossland said it will rain by the weekend.  When we came out of the temple, the temperature was much cooler, almost felt wintery, but very few clouds in the sky.  Of course there are clouds every day, just in varying degrees.
Papa pheasant in the back yard.  We saw his wife and little one the other day but they were too quick to get a picture of.

A friendly little song bird.  You can see from the grass that rain is needed.

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