12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, 28 July 2014

We woke up to overcast skies and by the minute they darkened and darkened until they could not hold their load any longer.  They dumped rain, rain, and more rain down upon us.  The rain gutter outside our bedroom window must be clogged as the rain found a different path and ran right off the roof, splashing and splattering on our window ledge and the one below us.  It sounded as though river rapids were upon us!  It continued to rain and rain and then began to ease up but still rained all through the morning.

We went out in the rain to catch the bus at 10:15 a.m.  We rode to Crawley and spent three hours at the mall, shopping and checking out the stores and shops.  We had lunch at McDonalds.  While we were in the mall the rain stopped and the sky cleared up.  It turned a beautiful blue with nary a cloud to be seen.  On our way home, though, we noticed dark clouds gathering toward the south and by late afternoon it was raining again.

The rain was a wonderful blessing for the grounds and the flowers.  They soaked it up, every drop.

In Crawley, we ran into President and Sister Johnson and Brother Davey from the ward.   Sister Smith was on the bus with us to and from, but went her way with shopping.

We cleaned the flat; vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, shining, dusting, washing, and drying.  We also defrosted the frig as it had collected a good stand of ice in the back.  I mended a pair of pants and ironed six shirts.  Dad and I both worked on paperwork and I did some family history research.  We both did some reading as well.

After supper, I went over to visit Sister Hale and Sister Freeman in the Manor house.  When I got outside it was lightly raining and I was too lazy to go back in for an umbrella.  I made my visits and in about an hour I was headed back to the flat.  It was still lightly raining, so I decided to take a shortcut through the Accommodations Centre.  When I exited the door near the Lodge, I saw the most stunning sunset; clouds swirling around with sunlight reflecting off of them in the most beautiful shade of orange gold!  It was glorious to behold.  I then turned to look at the temple and there it stood reflecting the light in a brilliant shade of pink and a rainbow arching over it!  It was amazing, and I did not have a camera with me.  I started running to the flat as I knew the picture would soon change. By the time I got back out, this is what I captured:

From Home:
Everyone has a thought on baby Eliza:  Gabe, Henry & Lorili.

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