12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday, 19 Jul 2014

The baptistry was very busy today.  We had two sessions on our shift and there were two on the afternoon shift.  Brother and Sister Reid were our assistants for the day and they were wonderful.  It has been several years since they worked in the baptistry so they were somewhat familiar with it and we worked well together.

The weather is humid in the mornings and then increases as the day proceeds.  We had rain all through the night but none during the day.  The inside the temple was extremely humid.  We were sticky and sweaty all the day long.  The engineers worked hard at trying to keep things cool with running down the temperature on the air conditioning and bringing fans into the areas.  At the end of our shift I took cards to be recorded and, ah, I found the cool spot!  Their office was heavenly!  I could have stayed in there all day.

We were exhausted and tired when we got home.  We each changed into relaxing clothes, turned on the fan, and took naps.  It was a relief from the riggers of the day.  We spent the late afternoon doing computer business and family history.  We ate dinner and then walked over to the accommodations center to put our names on the next excursion that will be in August.  We noticed it was movie night so we popped in to watch "Ice Age."  We enjoyed the animation and the diversion from the humidity.

Back at the flat, we started hearing a sound like coyotes howling outside.  We listened again and then went to the window to see if it was animal or man.  There was Sisters, Hale, Adler, Freeman, George, and a new sister, Sister Bustamonte, walking around with a made up ghost on a broom handle.  They were going around the lodge "scaring" the residence.  The Murdoch's, next door, threw candy at them and Dad invited them in for biscuits and ice cream.  They came in and we had a nice time visiting, greeting Sister Bustamonte, and enjoying the refreshments.

"I love to see the temple."

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