12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday And New Missionaries, 27 Jul 2014

Elder and Sister Blake joined us for dinner this afternoon.  They are from England and arrived on Friday to begin their mission.  They will be here for one year.  It was a delightful afternoon with good food and great conversation in getting to know them and them getting to know us.  We were able to give them a few pointers on missionary life here and they were happy for that.  (Wow, have we been here that long?)

We discovered they are in #46 at the Accommodations Centre, the room we were in!  Somehow that seemed to mean something.  Elder Blake served his younger mission in Colorado so he was more familiar with words and phrases we use.  He was a funeral director before their mission.  He had a story or two to share!

I had choir rehearsal, we did the week's planning, and we called Bob for a chat and even got to talk to Charly.  They are all doing well and Charly says summer is almost over; school is on the horizon.

From Home:
Isabel earned her Young Womanhood Medallion.

Quite the brothers, Jack & Pearson!

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