12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July Has Begun! 1 Jul 2014

A new month and a new week at the temple.  Bob and I have different rotas this week and therefore only saw each other in the canteen during lunchtime.  He is officiating sessions and I am being trained as a coordinator in another area.

Sister Davis is my mentor and she is doing an excellent job.  She is a no fuss Brit and likes to get the job done.  Nothing is too hard and if there is a will she will create the way.  I was busy learning and following her instructions when it dawned on me just what the duties were:  See that the sisters are where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there and that our area is functioning and ready for patrons.  Before I knew it, our shift was finished and we were going home!

The 4th of July is this Friday and we have decided to have a barbecue.  We planned the menu and then invited four American couples and one sister to join us.  They were all excited and will be here with additions to the meal.  We will provide the meat and buns.

The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the rest of the day in taking care of business in the flat.  I did the ironing and mending and fixing up our July calendar of events.  I also called for a chiropractor appointment and got them scheduled for Dad and I on next Monday.

We enjoyed a phone call with Juliann with a recap of their vacation and now busy with summer school lunches and swimming.

Wednesday, the 2nd:
We were busy today, lots of patrons in and out.  We had many sister workers and I was busy getting them sorted and sent off to various assignments.  Sister Littlefield, our shift coordinator, was in and out with changes in the schedule and giving me direction as to how to handle the changes.  All in all it went well and in the end the patrons were blessed and the workers where tired when they went home.  Dad fulfilled his assignments with some of them changing here and there.  There are lots of changes as we adjust to accommodate the number of patrons.

At the flat, we did laundry, ironing, paperwork, did some reading and were off to bed.

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