12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tuesday, 8 Jul 2014

Yesterday I took the umbrella when we made our day's trip to East Grinstead because the clouds looked like they could mean something.  There was more sun shining this morning than yesterday when we went to Lingfield for Dad's perscriptions, so I decided not to take it.  That was not a good idea as we got caught in rain.  It first started raining as we were walking around the town.  We found a pond with a walk around it and benches here and there.  We found one snuggled under a tree and sat down until it let up.

We also enjoyed watching the ducks.
1 duck, 2 ducks, 3 ducks, 4. . . . .
5 ducks, 6 duck, 7 ducks more.

We stopped in at the local grocery store and found a couple of bargains we could not pass up and then were out to the bus stop.  We boarded and were on our way home.  Halfway there it began to rain, this time, harder.  We got off in it and walked to the lodge.  We were both wet when we got in.  I think I will take my umbrella next time!

We are on the afternoon shift this week and reported for duty at 2 p.m.  We were not extremely busy but there seemed to be enough to keep us occupied.  A couple from France had arrived earlier in the day and had 2000 family file cards printed!  You should see the stack, it is amazing.  They began in the baptistry and got 50 done.  It will be quite a process for sure.  President Johnson had a conversation with them and explained we do not have the time or man power to complete them all by the end of the week.  The couple plans to be in the temple each day, all day long, through Friday.

During the afternoon, we heard loud thunder and were told it rained really hard for a very long time.  Without windows to look out, it was hard to know just how much rain fell.  Everything was went outside when we went home at 8:30 p.m.

From Home:
Spencer, the proud grandpa of Laityn, 3 weeks (Bradon), and Cannon, 2 weeks (Logan).

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