12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday And The Fast, 6 Jul 2014

Another morning of waking up to rain.  The fresh cool air coming in the windows felt wonderful.  I went back to bed and snuggled in, feeling the joy of a warm comfortable bed and the cool cool air brushing against my face.  Is this winter in Yuma?  Sure feels like it.

We had a van load going to church.  It was fast and testimony meeting and we discussed and learned about the the Book of Psalms in Gospel Doctrine.  Psalms is known as the book of poetry in the Bible.  Most of them were written by David and were sung anciently.  We learned a little of the Hebrew literary style, which makes it a little easier to enjoy them in English.  I may try singing one, but then some have already be set to music in our hymn book.  Hmmmmm.

The lesson in Relief Society was on fasting.  There was quite a good discussion and I came away having learned more.  I have never been good with fasting but after today, I will work on improving.

I came away with a reminder and new thoughts on fasting.  In chapter 58, Isaiah calls his people to repentance on how they were fasting and then, beginning in verse 6,  outlines the law of the fast.
"Is this not the fast that I have chosen?"
1.  Loose the bands of wickedness
2.  Undo the heavy burdens
3.  Let the oppressed go free
4.  Break every yoke
5.  Deal thy bread to the hungry
6.  Bring the poor to thy house
7.  Cover the naked
8.  Hide not thyself from thy family
9.  Turn away from doing thy pleasure on the sabbath, my holy day.

1.  Shall thy light break forth as the morning
2.  Thine health shall spring forth speedily
3.  Thy righteousness shall go before thee
4.  The glory of the Lord shall be your rearguard
5.  The Lord shall answer
6.  The Lord shall guide thee continually (verse 11, amazing!)

President Henry B. Eyring has taught:
“The fast also helps us to feel humble and meek so that the Holy Ghost may more easily be our companion. By our fast, we both keep our covenant to care for others and we prepare to keep our covenant to bear testimony.
“Those who have prepared carefully for the fast and testimony meeting won’t need to be reminded how to bear testimony should they feel impressed to do it in the meeting. They won’t give sermons nor exhortations nor travel reports nor try to entertain as they bear witness. Because they will have already expressed appreciation to people privately, they will have less need to do it publicly. Neither will they feel a need to use eloquent language or to go on at length.”2
  • Elder Shayne M. Bowen:  A basic guide for approaching Fast Sunday:
    As a fast day approaches, think about a purpose for your fast. That purpose could be as simple as expressing thanks.
    Begin your fast by praying. Talk with Heavenly Father and share with Him the purpose of your fast (see D&C 59:14).
    Fast for two meals, or about 24 hours. (Those with medical concerns should follow doctors’ orders). Whenever hunger pains come, use them as a reminder to pray again about the purpose of your fast.
    Give a generous fast offering.
    If you feel impressed to do so, bear your testimony in fast and testimony meeting.
    During the time you would have spent preparing food and eating, engage in worthy pursuits such as studying the scriptures, writing in your journal, or serving others.
    After Sunday meetings, end your fast by praying.
    Commit to being a better person, and make plans with God on how you will improve.
Fasting is a principle of power. It changes lives.

We had homemade chicken noodle soup for our meal and enjoyed reading and napping.  We had a rehearsal for the musical fireside in August.  That was fun as the songs will be very delightful.  Bob and I then went to the accommodations center to use the piano to work on our song.  We have been singing with the iPad in learning it.  Now it is time for some real effort.

We called Tyler to wish him a happy birthday on his day and we also wished one to Marissa.  We had tried twice to call on her day, but never connected.  It was good to see and talk with all of them.  They are still enjoying their new home and ward.

From Home:
Eliza has her first day at church.

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