12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Monday, 14 Jul 2014

Our day off was filled with cleaning, laundry, computer stuff, and a trip to town.

While waiting for the bus, we got some neat pictures of the temple spire.
Can you guess what I learned to do?  Thank you, Jeanna, for Pic Collage!
We caught the bus to Crawley and stopped in at Boots Drug Store for Dad to clear up a double charge on our card.  We caught another bus that took us on into East Grinstead.  We were on a milk run that took us through several neighborhoods and neighboring towns.  It was a double decker, so we sat on  top, right in front and had quite the view.
Driving through the neighborhood.  Some of the streets through the forest.  Interesting street signs.
At East Grinstead, Dad went to the bank and got cash.  Our supply we brought with us is beginning to run out.  I walked to the surgery to see Mr. Self for an adjustment.  Again, it felt good and I think I am just about fixed.  We caught another bus to Lingfield.  While waiting for the bus, we saw some temple workers on another bus that stopped.  We asked them how they were getting home and they said they were going to Felbridge and taking a taxi from there.  We told them the bus we were waiting for would go to Lingfield and then a bus would go on to Newchapel from there.  They got off their bus and waited with us for the one to Lingfield.

While waiting, we also saw a lady we had ridden the bus with last week and had even walked awhile together as we were going in the same direction.  We had a friendly conversation with one another.  The bus arrived and we all got on.  At Lingfield, though, we missed the connecting bus.  Another one was not due for two hours.  So, we called a taxi and made it home in half an hour.

From Home:
The Umphress family in northern California on vacation.

Adellae high tailing it out!

Mom and baby girl, Brynlyn.

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