12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer is over? 9 & 10 Jul 2014

Wednesday:  We woke up to rain and it continued throughout the morning.  We were inside catching up on things in the flat, like laundry and ironing, the blog, emails, etc.  It rained off and on and the umbrella was needed when we walked to the temple for our shift.
The engineers (handyman) came by this morning and took care of a few repairs:  squeaky doors, broken door inside the freezer, sharp corner on one of the cabinet doors in the kitchen, and adjusted the water temperature on the shower handle.

The temple shift went well with low attendance.  I asked some of the locals if the rain would keep people away.  They said it would not; since the people can’t be outside in the garden, they will go places instead. 

Thursday:  Happy Birthday Carter!

Enjoy that cake!  What a happy little guy!
Another rainy day it was and we were off to shopping with the minibus group.  We were short in number, only seven of us.  We went at 9 a.m. and it seemed as though several were still asleep; they were not their usual jovial happy selves.  The excursion went well with Dad picking up the dry cleaning, me buying a blouse, stopping by the produce man, and getting our food.  

The glitch of the outing was me loosing our "trolley" (shopping cart) in the store.  I had parked it and then went off to look at produce.  When I found what I wanted and then turned to put it in the trolley, I could not find it.  I thought and then retraced my steps to locate it.  No luck.  Dad came along with his hands full as well.  I explained the dilemma and he was off looking for it too.  We looked a good ten minutes before I went to customer service to explain the situation.  They made a public announcement for shoppers to check their trolleys as one had gone missing.  We then continued our search for it.  I walked around a stand of produce and wah lah, there it was!  I sure felt dumb.  I truly must be getting old!  Help!!!!!!!  We were home by 11 am, put things away, had lunch, rested some, and got ready to go to the temple for our shift.

The weather has turned colder. The locals say summer is over.  What?  I wasn't even sure they had summer.  Yes, it is over.  Their summer is usually May - mid July.  Go figure.  Anyway, the temp has been in the teens celsius = low 60's fahrenheit.  The sweater s have come out!  The clouds continue to skitter across the sky, change colors, and then drop some rain.

I was waiting for it to get hot and muggy.  Maybe it is yet to come.  Hmmmmmm.

From Home:
Adellae wins the backstroke.  She is in the swim cap.

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