12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July! 2014

Happy 4th of July!


 We had our barbecue and it was wonderful.  The Wade's, Christensen's, Cooper's, Davis', and Sister Hale came.  We had burgers, hotdogs, chips, layered bean dip, potato salad, fruit, pork and beans, soda, cupcakes, and ice cream.  What a feast!  We gave thanks for our great country, filled our plates, and dug in.  Everyone ate up and we had wonderful conversation that included families, trips, mission experiences, hobbies, etc.  An hour and a half later we called it quits as we had had a busy day and an early one for the morrow.

The lift, or elevator, in the temple is broken.  A part has gone out and the word is, if it cannot be fixed, the whole mechanism will have to be re-tooled.  That will take several weeks.  An expert is coming on Monday to see if it can be fixed.

This temple is equipped with many many stairs and the only way to the session rooms and celestial room is by way of them, or the lift.  There is a great number of patrons who come in wheel chairs and use "sticks" - canes.  The temple has a wheelchair device that runs on tracks that will go up and down stairs, to be used in an emergency to get people out of the building.  They used it a couple of times today to get patrons up and down the stairs.  There were two patrons two large for the chair.  Not having a working lift has presented major concerns, but we do the best we can and the patrons have been understanding; some who normally use the lift, making the effort and using the stairs.

This is a reminder of when we worked in the Mesa Temple.  They were constantly having issues with the elevator and it is so old, parts are no longer made for it as well.


  1. Oh, no! I'm sorry to hear about the elevator. And, thanks for telling me about the one in the Mesa temple. That's the one we usually go to. Now I'm going to be paranoid that it will get stuck while I'm in it. hahaha!

    Your dinner sounded yummy. We spent the holiday evening with Mike's brother's family in the foothills, eating delicious bbq ribs, potatoes, beans, and lemon pie. Yum! We even had some wonderful rain accompanying our food.

    I don't know if the link I've added (below) will work, but if it does, then you will be able to see my very first book cover for the romantic suspense that's launching on the 25th entitled "Relative Evil". I hope it works. Might not.


    1. Debbie, Thank you for your post. Sounds like you had a wonderful 4th with good food and good people. Our son's power went out during their dinner for a couple of hours. They are down by the stake center. The link did not work.
