12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Warm Spell, 3 Jul 2014

The locals are calling it a warm spell:  Clear, clear, the deepest blue of skies, plenty of sunshine, and temps in the 70's.  Sounds like a Yuma spring to us!

Upon returning materials to the assistant recorder at the end of the shift, Brother Hurley asked:  "Sister Brown, are you from Arizona like your husband is?"

"Yes, I am."  I replied.

Brother Hurley:  "Then you are not hot, are you?"

With a chuckle in my voice and a broad smile across my face I said:  "No sir!  This is wonderful weather and we have yet to be hot!"

He grinned in response.

It was shopping day and Dad had an appointment with the nurse to get him set up on his meds.  He went to Lingfield and I went to East Grinstead.  I went to the bank and got our address changed and did the weekly shopping.  There were ten sisters in the minibus, so we were loaded on the way home. Brother Davis is so patient and good with taking us, waiting for us, and then driving us home.

One sister piped up on the way home:  "Hey Brother Davis, just think this is what it would be like if you were a polygamist!"

He replied:  "If I could afford ten wives, I would be able to afford a chauffeur!"

We all had a good laugh.

Dad got home just before me.  We got the groceries put away and decided to eat out.
We walked to the Blacksmith's Head pub.  It is not far up the road, just no sidewalks, so we were tramping through the growth along the roadside to get there.

Dad enjoyed Ginger Beer and I had J2O
It was a delightful meal that began with an appetizer plate of bread, seasoned butter and a spread, and black olives that had been seasoned.  It was delicious.

Dad ordered a classic burger, which had cheddar and bacon on it.  Their bacon is a whole piece, like Canadian bacon.  He had skinny fries with it and a rocket - cut tomatoes and cucumbers with a small cone shaped stack of greens on it.

I had a chicken burger with cheese, whole cooked tomatoes, and greens on it, and a rocket and chips.  The chips were very good, tasting different than all the other chips I have had.  The burger was delicious but more than I could eat.  I brought half of it home with me.

We had gotten our food and were getting comfortable in eating when company arrived.  As you can see, he sat very still and kept his eye on Dad.  Dad fed him bits of meat here and there.  The sweet dog stayed close and was well behaved.  At one point the waitress came and asked if he was a bother and we said he was fine.  Not sure we have experienced a dog coming to our table in a restaurant before, oh wait, this is a pub.  Maybe they have a different style.

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