12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Temple Week; 22-26 Jul 2014

Tuesday:  We are back in the temple today, working the late shift.  Dad and I were to lead the first session but his rota was changed, so I went as the follower and he was off to other duties.  We did finish in dealings together and that was a nice ending to the day.

I have been stopping by the beautiful flower beds here and pulling weeds.  It may sound crazy, but I miss that from home.  It is a good physical and emotional release.  I did again this evening as I headed home.  I just stop by the rubbish bins and pop 'em in!

We made a quick trip to Crawley this morning for a few items from the grocery store and the drug store.

The weather is cooler today - less humidity - the greatest difference.

Wednesday:  We took a taxi to East Grinstead to see the osteopath.  The adjustments were wonderful and we should be good for a month or more.  He has really helped our bodies get back to where they should be.

Dad has been communicating with a Bishop in the Burnley, where he served his mission.  He is trying to locate Julie Mutters, a girl he and his companion taught and baptized those many years ago. So, today, Dad and I were sought out by Margaret, a sister-in-law to Julie!  She even remembers Dad from his mission.  We had very delightful conversations and it appears our trip to Burnley in September will be a wonderful opportunity.

From Home:

And Eliza is dreaming:  "I came from Heaven a short time ago, it is true.  Lived there and loved there with people I know just like you. . . . . . . ."

Thursday:  Today is Pioneer Day.  No celebration here in our area, not even a mention of it at church.  This is a little surprising, or should I say different from what we are used to in the states.

We were off on the shopping trip this morning.  I have been looking for the supplements I take and today I found a store that has them.  They were having a half price sale as well, so that was nice.  The Wade's came over before our shift to discuss car details.  Their mission is completed the end of August and we will purchase their car at that time.  Dad is ready to have a car to drive!

Our shift went well with being busy.  I was assigned clothing/till with Sister George as my mentor.  She did a great job as she worked in banking for 30 years and is very comfortable handling money.  We handled only one transaction, so there is definitely more for me to learn.  I can hand out clothing though, and she gave me tips on that.  I cannot officially run the till until I am properly trained by Sister Hyde from the office.

We had separate preparation meetings today and Dad and I gave the spiritual thoughts.  The topic was "Enhancing The Temple Experience."  I thought mine was scheduled for Friday because that is what it said on Dad's rota.   Boy, I was glad I had prepared it ahead.

Dad:  "And inasmuch as my people build a house unto me in the name of the Lord, and do not suffer any clean thing to come into it, that it be not defiled, my glory shall rest upon it; Yea, and my presence shall be there, for I will come into it, and all the pure in heart that shall come into it shall see God."  (D&C 97:15-16)

Me:  Happy Pioneer Day!  When the first Nauvoo temple was dedicated, more than 5,000 saints flooded the doors to receive their ordinances.  They came during the day and into the night to receive the strength, power, and blessings of temple covenants to sustain them during their journey west.

Patrons come to this temple, in our day, for the very same purpose - to be strengthened, empowered, and spiritually prepared for their daily journeys in life.

As temple workers we have been called and set apart to administer these ordinances.  The patron becomes our #1 priority.  We help enhance their temple experience by leaving behind all personal affairs when we come each day to serve and by following the counsel found in the Kirtland temple dedicatory prayer:

“That your incomings may be in the name of the Lord, that your outgoings may be in the name of the Lord, that all your salutations may be in the name of the Lord; that thy glory may rest down upon thy people and that all people who shall enter may feel thy power.”  (D&C 109:9,12,13)

Friday:  This was our long day as there is an 8 p.m. session.  Before I knew it, in preparation meeting, they asked if I would give my spiritual thought again so the men could hear it.  I pointed out that the rota said Sister Wade had the assignment.  She was not prepared and they said the men needed to hear mine anyway and the sisters said they wanted to hear it again as well.  So, I gave it again.

I was in clothing/till all day and then Sister Hyde came after 7 p.m. to begin my training.  We were not extremely busy before that so Sister George and I had plenty of time to visit and get to know one another better.  It was after 8 p.m. by the time we cashed out and got the money counted and put in the safe.  Dad stayed later as he helped with the last session.

Saturday:  We began at 10 a.m. with preparation meeting and worked with the other shift until 12:15 p.m., when they went home.  I was busy the first two hours and then in clothing/till with Sister Wade. She is very good and helped me learn to recognize the different coins by pulling a bunch out and then asking me to give her back a certain amount.  We did this several time and it was a great help in learning them.  They have more than we do and all the different shapes can be confusing.  

You have a go at it!  Give me 83p change.

 Handing out the clothing helped me get more familiar with where everything is.  Sister Wade asked me to count out change for a patron and I did it right.  She said not to tell anyone!

We ended the day with being assigned a wedding/sealing.  Here in England, you cannot get married in the temple.  The patrons get married civilly, then come to the temple to be sealed.  Dad was the groom escort and I was the guest escort.  It was after 6 p.m. before we arrived at our flat.

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