12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, July 14, 2014

Friday and more rain, 11 Jul 2014

We made a quick trip into Crawley this morning to pick up meds for Dad and I found a rain coat.  Go figure - it is still raining and I did not bring one as I don't even own one.  We found one on sale and with a good fit.  I caught up on the blog, Dad was on the Internet, we ate, and headed off to the temple.

Friday is a longer day with an 8 p.m. session.  My area was busy and we were constant with patrons and assigning sisters to various tasks.  Dad and I were both on the 9:35 p.m. veil, so we were home just after 10 p.m.  Jeanna called and we had a great time talking with her.  Their vacation is going well with Jay at basketball camp and then Hanna and Jere to hang out with.  We read their blog each day and relish in memories of when our children were all home and we went on vacations.

Waiting for the bus in the rain.

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