12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Working The Afternoon Schedule, 27 May 2014

Day 2 of continuous drizzling rain; it continued through the night as well.  This is our first day on the afternoon schedule.  We reported to the temple at 2 p.m. where Bob was the officiator and I was the follower for the 2:30 p.m. session.  There were 17 patrons in the session.  The remainder of the day and evening went well with getting home about 8:15 p.m.

Temple Cafeteria Table Talk:
English sister #1:  “Sister American, your dress is lovely.”
American sister (Me):  “Thank you!  Sister Matthews is wearing the same dress today.”
English sister #1:  “Oh, it is lovely and so flowing.  Yes, several sisters have
                              dresses alike.”  
American sister:  “I have even seen Sister Crossland with the same
                             dress on.  It must be a good choice.  It is very ”comfy.”
Welsh sister:  “All flowie is so lovely.  Just like Elizabeth Bennett in Pride
                       And Prejudice.  (Using swaying hand movements)  She moves
                       along so gracefully with her long skirts and petticoats.  But I          
                       don’t want to live during that time (has a frownie face)
                       and wear all those skirts!  No!”
English sister #2:  “Now, Calamity Jane, she is the one to be like!”
(Everyone starts smiling and chuckling in recognition of the movie.)
American sister:  “You know Calamity Jane?”
English sister #2:  “Yes I do.  She comes back across the stream with that
                               lovely yellow dress on and falls flat in the muck!  What
                               a sight!”
English sister #1:  “I have that movie and watch it often.”
Welsh sister:  “Ah, yes, Doris Day is lovely, very lovely.  She is the one to be          
American sister:  “If you know Calamity Jane, she was in the movie, Glass
                             Bottom Boat. . . . “ 
(Everyone started talking and naming other Doris Day movies and telling their favorite sceens.)
American sister:  “Well, I don’t feel so ‘foreign’ anymore with all of you movie watchers like me!”

Brother Davis drove the Coopers and us to East Grinstead this morning to apply for an account at Barclays bank.  The drive and the walk in the rain were safe.  Mev helped set up our account and we exchanged US dollars to sterling to deposit.  We finished up and walked back to the minibus.

We have been trying to buy isopropyl alcohol since being here and have not been able to find it in any of the stores we have been in.  It was suggested we go to a pharmacy.  We went to Boots Pharmacy and Bob inquired with the pharmacist.  She said you are not allowed to buy it except in very small amounts and then you have to go to a chemist to purchase it.  He asked if it was a controlled substance and she said it was not, just not easily purchased.  She said the best way is to purchase it through amazon.com and have it shipped to you.  She said you have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and explain what you are going to use it for.  She knows this procedure since her husband orders it for working on his car.

When we all got back to the minibus, the Coopers said they were unable to get their account established.  They were randomly selected for "terrorist activity."  She said the agent kept trying to enter their information and it would come up blank.  He was in training and did not know what to do. He finally got his supervisor and he immediately recognized what was happening.   They will get their account number, etc. in the mail in three days.  Needless to say, they were disappointed.

We received a phone call this morning that we have been assigned a flat in the lodge.  As soon as we come to the temple and pick up the keys, we can move in.  Well, that started us to thinking and planning how we would make the move.  When we got home from the bank we went to the temple and collected up the keys and instructions for flat 13.  We took a look at it and began the move in process.  With having to work the afternoon and evening, our time was limited.  We started packing up the suitcases and Dad started taking them over.

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