12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Licensed to Preach! 13 May 2014

The sun seemed brighter and the weather was not as cold on our walk to the temple this morning and when we got out, the wind was only a very slight breeze.    We were dressed in white for the day and the instruction was focused on:  "What did I learn in the temple today?"  President Walker talked about coming to the temple, driving by the temple, thinking about the temple, but what do we learn when we are in the temple?  He and his wife have come up with a formula for learning in the temple.  When I come, I consider a principle, how it links to the Savior, and then how it will affect me as I study to learn it and then live it.  It is in the "living" of it that we grow spiritually and become more as the Savior.

We then met together as a missionary group and attended an endowment session and an initiatory session.  The session was live and it is amazing how the brethren, at the age they are, have the ability to memorize and then execute with exactness the ceremony.  We were given time in the celestial room for meditation and prayer.

Our right to preach the gospel
We stopped by Deseret Book and purchased, A House of Learning, by President & Sister Walker.  It is memoirs of their time of serving as temple president and matron.

We walked to the LionHouse Pantry for dinner as I was wanting a slice of homemade pie.  When we walked in the aroma of baking breads and pies was overwhelming and sweetness to the nose!  The chef behind the counter asked if I was hungry.

I said:  "Yes, and I have come for pie.  What do you have?"  Well, he had a cherry pie just finishing baking in the oven and then there were slices of other pies on the counter.  None of them were half as appealing as the thought of warm cherry pie.  I asked how long of a wait it would be and he said it was ready and he could slice it hot if I wanted a scoop of ice cream on top.  Wow!  How could I resist!

It was better than this!

Dad had cottage cheese with pineapple and we both had a free LionHouse roll and I, the hot cherry pie a-la-mode.  Oh, it was so delicious with bites of sweet plump cherries and flaky tender crust swimming in spoonfuls of melting ice cream. Yum!  When I finished it, it indeed had been a very good choice.  I made sure to thank the chef on the way out.  (He did not charge for the ice cream!)

With satisfied tummies we took out on our walk back to the hotel.  A homeless man asked for food and we stopped at a restaurant and bought him a hamburger and fries.  He was appreciative.

It was a very good day.

1 comment:

  1. Love that you have set up a blog! Great idea. Wasn't it President Hinckley who said that he always learned something new each time he went to the temple? That observation has always made me think each time I go to the temple...what can I learn today? I like the idea of finding a principle, then striving to live it.
    I had to chuckle when you wrote about your meal at the Lion House. The food might be the one down-side to your mission in England. (But keep in mind that I am somewhat of a food snob:)
