12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Busy Day, 21 May 2014

We had a full day in the temple; 8 a.m - 5 p.m.  We were both trained in specific areas.  Our shift attended the 2:30 p.m. session together.

Our evening activity was a walk to Lingfield.
The weather was cool and pleasant.  When trucks or buses whizzed by we held our position so as not to get blown over.  The sidewalk was very narrow, where there was one.
We took pictures of some of the local spots to eat.  We had already eaten so we did not taste any of what they had to offer.
It seemed like it took forever to walk the mile and one half.  But, then on the way home, we covered ground quickly.  At one point we met two walkers coming from the other direction.  We found a wide spot and stopped so they could pass.  Shortly, along came a biker behind us.  He was not wanting to brave the road so we again, found a wide spot and moved over so he could pass.  We passed fields grown high in grass and wild flowers.  Some were occupied with horses and some were not.  Cottages were about 20 feet from the road.  There were not many lawns as they used the space between road and house for parking.  All surfaces were either brick or rock.  Each had their own name such as:  Minnows, Meadows, Meadhead, Rockbury, Pollards, Elynium, etc.  There were construction businesses, surfacing companies, and a tile store.  Signs on gates read:  "Stay Out.  Dog Loose."  There was even a Caravan Park, their title for an RV park.


  1. I love that they name their places! You were so brave to walk. Is it cool? Warm? Humid?

  2. Sister Brown, I hope I did this correctly so you get this. I have been reading your blog and really have enjoyed learning all the new names and about your mission. You are learning so much and have such a beautiful place to learn it in. Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with all of us. God Bless.
