12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, May 12, 2014

We Have Begun! 12 May 2014

The day began with a walk to the Salt Lake Temple, arriving before 8 a.m.  We were warmly greeted and escorted into the chapel for the day's instruction.  Elder and Sister Walker, who have been called to served for two years as temple missionary trainers, took the lead.  The Walker's have previously served as temple president and matron of the Salt Lake Temple and have served as president of the missionary training center in Preston, England.  They are fun to listen to and learn from.  Brother Whiteside from the temple department was present as well.  We think he was present to answer questions the Walker's were not sure of and also gave instruction when needed.

We are in a group of 16 temple missionary couples going to places all over the world:  Hong Kong, Paraguay, Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, Boston, Manhatten, Atlanta, Panama, two of us going to London, and obviously others we do not remember.  The group ranges in newbies like us to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th missions.

From this group we learned:
1.  The Wilson's are from Alamo, NV and served in the Las Vegas Temple.  Sister Wilson grew up in Overton and went to church in the building that burned down.  They have also served a mission in Peru.
2.  The Markel's will be serving in the Atlanta Temple with their former stake president, President Posey, as the temple president.  And yes, Tyler, he is your mission president!  We had a delightful conversation with them.  They think the world of President Posey and know why you do too.
3.  Sister Walker is the daughter of President and Sister Hinckley.  She is a hoot with telling it like it is.  She said that when they were called as temple president and matron, she asked her husband:  "Couldn't they call me something else besides matron?  It sounds so matronly!" She thought "Queen" would be a good title.  Her husband did not tell us who she was until after lunch and that made her comments that much more humorous as we know of President Hinckley's sense of humor.

Our focus on training was the difference between temple policy and temple "drift."  The drift is when rules or traditions creep in.

Spires pointing heavenward from the Assembly Hall and the Salt Lake Temple.


  1. What a great recap of a great first day! Can't wait to read more and more.
