12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Saturday Is Different, 24 May 2014

We were to the temple at 8:10 a.m., dressed and ready for preparation meeting.  Today is a different schedule than a weekday.  This is the day when the temple has its most activity with families able to come and not miss school and work.  Many of them stay in the Accommodations Centre, having come in Friday night.  Both the "A" shift and the "B" shift overlap as we work in the temple.  I discovered there are a lot of "Day" workers.  These saints come for one day a week, Saturday being the heaviest influx of them.  We also have workers that come and work for two weeks on and then go home for eight weeks, then back for two weeks, etc.  There is always someone new to meet, work with, and get to know.

Today I met Sister Wilcox as I assisted her with ordinances.  As we smiled at one another at our first meeting, I felt at home.  I tried to figure if I had already met her, but soon decided this was our first meeting.   At one point, she was waiting on the bench and I was finished.  When I walked out and saw her sitting there, she looked at me and we both felt a sense of recognition.  I sat down beside her and extended a warm greeting.  I told her she seemed familiar and she asked:
"Where do you live or work, Deary?"
I answered:  "Fresh from America, one week out."
She said:  "I don't know, but you are familiar also."
I then suggested:  "I think we were kindred spirits in heaven and we have now just met on earth.  We have always been sisters!"
We were both comfortable with that thought and happy we had met.

The highlight of the day was being a part of Gabe's baptism.  We know it is not always easy to get electronics to work, but Katie was on top of it and we were able to see him be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We set up the iPad and attended via Face Time in the Ordinance Worker's Lounge.

To you, Gabe, we are thrilled at your decision to be baptized.  It is not always easy to follow what Heavenly Father would want us to do, but when we do follow and are obedient, He is ALWAYS there for us.  He loves us because we belong to Him and we will always matter to Him.  We hope you will use your journal we gave you to record the times you feel the Holy Ghost and listen to his counsel and direction.  He will never lead you astray.

The view out the window in the Ordinance Worker's Lounge in the Accommodations Centre.

A bright smile and happy Hello, from a special grandson!

After the baptism, we returned to our flat and cooked and ate dinner.  We then went on a walk to return items to different people and ended up in the dining room for the last half of the movie, "Follow Me Boys," with Fred McMurray.  They do movie night the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.

1 comment:

  1. I've had that "We've met before" feeling. I love your explanation. I had never thought about it that way before. I'm so glad you were able to see Gabe's baptism. Isn't Skype wonderful?
