12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Our Service Begins, 20 May 2014

In trying to deal with jet lag, we stayed awake all of yesterday, going to bed at our regular time last night.  We did have a good night's sleep and woke up refreshed to the new schedule.  We got home about 3 p.m. and it became very difficult to stay awake or resist the urge to lie down and go to sleep!  This is hard!

Things we learned or differences:
1.  The roter is called a rota - our schedule
2.  Electrical switches push down to be on, and up to be off.
3.  The toilet lid is a "soft close" lid.  You start it on its way and it closes automatically, very softly.
4.  There are heaters in the rooms but no cooling of any kind.  (Haven't needed it yet.)
5.  If we need something that is not in our flat, we check with reception.  They have a "treasure room" full of items left by previous tenants and if what we need is there, we get it!  So far, ice trays and large drinking glasses.  I asked for a crockpot and Sister Miller couldn't figure out what I was requesting.  I then said slow cooker and she replied with acknowledgement:  "Oh, a slooooow. . . .cooker!"
6.  British people must be short.  The half closet rods are too short for our shirts and tops.
7.  As temple missionaries, we only have to wear missionary dress going to and from the temple and on Sunday.  The rest of the time we can wear casual clothing and no name tags.  We didn't pack that way!  I guess new wardrobes are in the planning!
Our first official day in the temple was wonderful.  Our trainers were good to direct us and show us the ropes.  Everyone is so friendly, helpful, and kind.  I found myself several times not sure where to go and took excursions which proved to be a help in learning more the "lay of the land" in the temple.  The time passed quickly, duties were fulfilled, and we were out and to our flat by 3 p.m.

Temple schedule for 2014.

We came out of the temple to overcast skies, a cool breeze, and drops of rain hanging on the handrails.

The view out our window:  The Gate House is to the left and the Manor House is straight ahead.  The blue bins are the "wheelie bins," British for trash dumpster.  Heavy laden rain clouds skittered across the afternoon sky in search of the perfect place to release their load.

We grabbed the umbrella when we left out on a walk across the grounds but we didn't have to use.
We followed one particular mowed out path to a bench some distance into  the forest.  We couldn't understand why this bench was so important until we turned around.  The view back to the temple was beautiful!
This is just one of the many paths we walked.  The hedges and blossoms are amazing and such a sight to behold!  The grandchildren would have a grand time playing hide and seek!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love reading your posts! It sounds like a movie;) I hope you are enjoying the peace.

  3. You turn a wonderful phrase, Sister Brown. Love the landscape. The pictures are right out of historical romances that I read.
