12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Banking Business, 22 May 2914

The day was busy in the temple.  There were plenty of patrons and staff was needed in all areas.  We worked together to accommodate them.

It was our day to catch the minibus to East Grinstead for shopping.  We changed clothes, grabbed our shopping bags and list and boarded the minibus.  There were eleven of us going this time.  It was a fast swaying ride over the roads and around the corners, and through the roundabouts.

We are headed around the corner to Barclays Bank.  Dad had an account with them, 1963-1965, when he was on his mission.  Not in East Grinstead of course.  Just another business building on the street opposite.  We arrived just as the bank was closing so we will have to return another day to open a bank account.  We have to have one to get Internet service as the company requires a bank account debit for the monthly fees.
Heading up the street.

A modern double decker bus.
Anything look familiar?
Another street view.

After the bank, we did shopping, stopping at Aldi's supermarket, IceLand, the 99p store, and Sainsbury's.  Dad and I were in search of a Stir Crazy so we stopped at the Ironmongers, (hardware store).  They had a ton of appliances but no Stir Crazy.  We bought two bags of groceries and a bag of fresh produce from the street vendor.  He has the best produce!  I picked up a pre-made pizza and we popped that in the oven, tossed a salad, and had dinner.  We still do not have salad dressing as it is not
the same here and I am trying to figure out just what we would like to use.

Poor Planning:
It was time to do the laundry.  I grabbed the bag, gathered up supplies, towels, money, and was off to the basement.  I got all situated and started putting clothes in the three washers.  It wasn't long before I figured out I was short on pence.  Dad got into the action and was going around the Accommodations Centre and finally found someone with money and made the exchange.  The laundry took longer than I had anticipated and then there was ironing to do after that.  It made for a late night and tired feet from the standing.  It looks like it will take about £4 to do the wash and we need to schedule a time when there is plenty of time!  We call it the "learn as you go," process.

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