12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, May 25, 2014

2nd Sunday, 25 May 2014

We were off to Crawley Ward in the minibus.  There are so many missionaries that they take two buses.  (A minibus is a van in America.)  It was Fast Sunday since next week will be stake conference.  For those unfamiliar with the term "Fast Sunday," it is held once a month and the members of the ward/branch have an opportunity to bear their personal testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ during Sacrament Meeting.  It is also a day of fasting from food and drink for a period of 24 hours.  The money one would spend on the meals skipped is given to the church fast offering fund to help with those in need.  This is the Lord's way to provide for the needy.

The testimonies born were rich in missionary work; either going on a mission, or the blessings of having served one, either for the individual or for others.  There was a great emphasis on how serving a mission will bless the lives of others as well as one's family.

At home we prepared a favorite Sunday meal of meatloaf, baked potatoes, and steamed carrots.

Notice our not quite 2x2 foot table.  It fits nicely in this little nook in the kitchen.

This evening we attended the "hi and bye" social they have when missionaries arrive and when they go home.  No one went home so it was only the "hi" portion of the program.  Everyone brings finger foods, we sing, pray, and eat.  Then the newbies have 5-7 min each to tell about themselves.  The Parkinson's and us were the program.  Afterward, President Johnson, temple president, said a few words and welcomed us.

Tonight they added a fireside afterward of a powerpoint program that featured the construction and remodel of the temple by Brother Carter.  He was one of the engineers on the remodel and gave an outstanding  presentation.  Because he was there and a part of it, he was interesting to listen to.  Not to mention his British sense of humor!  Like anywhere a temple is built, the local saints are dedicated and willing to be a part of the process.  There were 1,500 present for the original dedication and 54,000 for the  remodel dedication in 1992.  Non-members numbered 3 to 1 with members.  There were those who had been to the original dedication had returned for the second one.

People Look-A-Likes?
Have you ever seen someone and you are sure they are really someone else?  It seems the older we get the more this happens; like we can see features and characteristics of people we know in someone we do not know.  I know we are all unique children of Heavenly Father, but then I think there are only so many molds for creating bodies!

One brother here says I look just like his sister and if he were to meet me on the street without having known me here, he would for sure think I was her.

Today we were sure we saw:
1. Lorna Thompson
2. Donna Freridge
3. Kia Farar  (Long hair and all, including the smile!)

Some have asked about the temperature:  Last week when they had their heat wave, it got up to 78º F.  Today it got up to 61º and it is supposed to be 48º tonight.  I was happy to wear my heavy sweater to church today.  They turned on the heater in Relief Society.


  1. Your dining table looks so cozy! I know your dinner was doubly-delicious. I can't tell you how many people tell me that I look like someone they know. Weird!

    I signed up for your "follow by email" and it looks like it went through. Can't wait to see your next post!

  2. I love reading about all your adventures and wonderful experiences! It sure is beautiful there and I am so happy to hear you are doing well. Looking forward to your future posts!
