12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Moved In, 28 May 2014

Dad out front of the Lodge

We hit the morning early and got the rest of our stuff moved over to the lodge.  We began putting things away and getting the bed made and making sure we could find what we needed to be to our shift this afternoon.
Our back yard!

I am waving out our living room window, third from right on top.
The kitchen window is in the middle and bedroom window on right.

Living Room

Kitchen.  The sink is behind the door on the left.  All the rooms have doors on them, including the living room.


Pantry, office, catch-all, or whatever else you want to call this room.

View outside the front door.
Besides the rooms you see, there is a closet for the vacuum, ironing board, mop & bucket, and other cleaning supplies.  There is a room with an upright freezer and a washer and dryer.  We are living the good life!  Now, to get the Internet in our flat will really be the good life!

Abraham was here when we arrived on the 16th, and he left today, going back to his home in Africa.  He is a returned missionary and came for a period of time to be in the temple.  He has been there every day and then goes with us to church on Sunday.

Some of us gathered to wish him well on his journey home and to remember us.  
Standing:Dad & Mom, The Coopers, Sister Rose, The Wades, The Bulls, Sister Pemberton
Sitting: Abraham, The Masihs.

A table full of delicious treats!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Thank you for the tour around your apart--I mean your flat. It looks so cozy! I just can't get over how green it is there. I can almost feel the moisture in the air.
