12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Temple Week #13, 19 August 2014

The weather turned cold!  It was 47ºF Tuesday morning and followed that range throughout the week.    It did warm up around mid morning each day and with clear skies and bright sun, it was quite pleasant.

We began our fourth month of temple service today.  The time has gone by with us being busy, busy, and busy!  Our assignment this week is officiating and following a session each day.  It has been nice to work together.

The French came by coach, traveling through the "chunnel," to be here for the week.  (Chunnel is slang for the tunnel under the channel.)  They were busy as usual with baptism sessions, endowment sessions, and other ordinances.  They are very self sufficient for the most part, we just get out of their way.  They are looking forward to their own temple in Paris and preparing to run it on their own.

Tuesday:  We made a trip by bus to Crawley this morning.  We stopped in at Boots pharmacy to pick up some items, Dad bought an outlet adapter at the 99p store, and we picked up Burger King for lunch.  We were back in time to eat, and get ready for our afternoon shift at 2 p.m.  We were on the 2:30 session.

Thursday:  Brother Wad took Dad for his physical appointment for the car insurance this morning.  I was on the minibus for shopping and got the groceries for the coming week.  Dad got all his paperwork scanned and emailed to the company and I got all that was on my list.  I bought a slow cooker and am looking forward to using it.

Today I was in sealings for a period of time.  At one point, there was me, an American, an English brother, and a Welsh sister.  The gospel spans the world!  We are all God's children working our way back to His presence.

Saturday:  I was in clothing and on the "till" (cash register) for the day with Sister Smith.  She was sweet enough to let me do the till so I could get some practice in.  I know one day they will put me there on my own and I am not quite sure what will come of that!  A couple from Nevada and a couple from Utah came through.  When we heard like accents, we just had to have a conversation.

Sister Youles helped out for about half an hour.  It was my first time to meet her and she is quite a character.  When we started talking, I was surprised at how easy it was to understand what she was saying in spite of her accent.  She does family history so that was the center of our conversation.  The more we talked she reminded me of the movie,  My Fair Lady.  At one point, Ben came in to gather up hangers and items of clothing to be returned to the laundry.    After hearing him speak, Sister Youles asked him where he was from.  He said he was from Bristol.  She said:  "Yes, I thought so.  I can tell by your accent."

He smiled and they chit chatted a little, then he was on his way.  I asked Sister Youles where she was from.

She answered:  "I'm from London and my accent is Cockney, straight from London, it is."

Well, she then stepped right into character and smeared the accent on as she imitated lines from My Fair Lady.  She said there is a saying that if you are born within the sound of the bells of London, you are a true Londoner.  She made quite a bright spot in our afternoon!

Dad got off early at 3 p.m. so he could come back at 6 p.m. to be on the door for a sealing at 8 p.m.   I went to movie night and watched, The Legend of Johnny Lingo.  It is a good movie.

Dad and I were busy this morning before we went to the temple with doing the laundry and cleaning the flat.  We finished up when we got home.

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