12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sunday, 17 August 2014

We awoke at 2 a.m. and made a face time call to the blessing of baby Eliza.  Hanna was the phone handler and did a fantastic job with letting us say hi to the grandchildren and others that were there.  How wonderful technology is!  It is a blessing from Heavenly Father and I thank Him for it.

Happy baby Eliza and brother Caleb trying to help her be happy!
Danny, Shawn and Stephen Garner, Thor, Eliza, Lorili, Dallin, Gary, Bob, Tyler, Trevor, Dean, Nelson.
We woke up to overcast skies and very cool temperatures.  We had the windows closed and I wore a sweater to church.  The sacrament meeting topic was parables of the Savior and there was a very nice music item:  piano, cello, and male vocal soloist singing, I Know That My Redeemer Lives.  It was beautiful, tender, and peaceful.  We discussed Proverbs and Ecclesiastics in Gospel Doctrine and the duty of parents to raise children unto the Lord.

Sister Smith stopped by for a visit this afternoon and we had the Murdoch's over for dinner.  We had chicken, baked potato, baked sweet potato, green salad, and homemade rolls.  They brought German chocolate cake to round out a delicious meal.  We enjoyed visiting with each other.  They go home to Logan, UT the end of September

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