12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Buckingham Palace, 11 August 2014

We woke up to bright clear skies, but packed for rainy weather as we loaded on the coach with 27 other missionaries and headed to London!  This is our first, no my first trip to the great city.  Dad was there on his first mission.  We were dropped off and headed to see the changing of the guard  in front of Buckingham Palace.  (The English call it Buckingum Palace.)

We arrived just minutes before the event and stood with hundreds of other tourists to view it.  Only problem was we really did not get a very good view as people were gathered up in front of the gates and fences and we were across the street, about four rows back.  So, I just held up the camera and started clicking.  There was a time or two people left in front of us and we quickly stepped into their place and by the time we left, we were right up to the rail.  Just as the ceremony was over, rain began to fall.

The many scenes of Buckingham Palace.  There were people everywhere and Bobbies on horses.  It was amazing to see the horses stand still for long periods of time.  We did not see any of them get excited with all the activity and people.  

Waiting in line and our souvenir, a refrigerator magnet.

We are standing on the steps from the Garden Room.  Some of the extensive gardens and the street sign outside the gate.  As we walked along the path through the gardens to exit the property, it was interesting to here big city traffic noises.  The gardens definitely make you feel as though you are in the country.

Band, Guard, and Band.

We were not allowed to take photos inside the palace.  The tour was interesting but we were not overly impressed.  It seemed old, which it was, very spacious, overly decorated, almost ornate, and not very inviting.  The White Drawing Room though, did catch my attention with the lovely pianoforte, a desk, lots of settees and chairs.  It would have been nice if the pianoforte was opened.  I would love to see inside one of them.  

Note the mirror on the left of the portrait - it is a secret door.  It is used for the royal family to discretely enter the room from the living quarters.

The Throne Room also caught my attention, not so much as it is the throne room, but for the family portraits that were there.  I did think, though as I stood in front of the throne:  "This is actually where the Queen does sit."  And, this room was used for the filming of the Christmas special of Downton Abby, when Lady Rose is presented to the King and Queen.  Wow, I stood here!
There were portraits of Queen Elizabeth' wedding, Prince Charles' wedding, and Prince William's wedding, and a four generation portrait:  Queen Elizabeth, Prince's Charles, William, and George.  They were all very nice to look at.

The Picture Room had outstanding paintings up and down the walls.  Too many to really study.  I guess if you spent a couple of hours in this room you may begin to scratch the surface understanding the talent on display.  There was another room with more paintings and lots of statues.  I was not impressed with all of the naked bodies depicted.

Our tour ended with a walk out of the Garden Room, onto the terrace that opens out into the spacious garden.  We continued along the path until we excited the grounds and found our way back to where the bus picked us up and we returned to the temple grounds.

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