12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, August 11, 2014

Sunday, 10 August 2014

We woke up to rain, again!  I am not sure if the cyclone came through or not, but there has been plenty of rain, wind, and clouds.  When the sun comes out, the green trees are so brilliant!  It is just a beautiful sight.  We have the windows open and thoroughly enjoying the cool weather.

We were off to church where we heard talks on trying to be like Jesus and living the law of the fast.  Sunday School included Kings, Hezekiah and Josiah.  They were both righteous kings who cleaned out the temple and used it for its proper purpose, that of worshiping Heavenly Father.  It takes courage for a king to live righteously and guide his people in that direction.  The Relief Society lesson was on celestial marriage.  Sister Green did an excellent job and many thoughts and impressions were shared.

We made up a big bowl of "mash" (mashed potatoes) and went to the Davis' for a potluck dinner.  Along with the mash we had carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, roast beef and gravy, roast chicken, cake, cookies, and ice cream.  We had the best company at the table:  Brother and Sister Davis, Sister Pilgrim, Sister Bustamante, Sister George, and Sister Adler.  We all left in time for those of us in the choir to head over to the Visitors' Centre for rehearsal and the concert followed.

You can see that the Temple Choir is not listed on the program.  We were a secret weapon - a Flash Mob!  We were spaced out in the theater into six groups.  When it was time for the interlude, the first group stood up and started singing Give Said The Little Stream.  Half way through another group joined them and my group joined in on the chorus.  The next group stood up and sang Popcorn Popping, with another group joining in halfway through.  All the previous groups then joined them with singing the chorus of Give Said The Little Stream.  The next group up was a group of the brothers and they sang Eentsy Weentsy Spider with actions, followed by us joining them with the chorus of Give Said The Little Stream.  Next was my group and we sang If You Chance To Meet A Frown and we had paper plate frowny/smiley faces for props.  One of the other groups joined us for the second verse.  We sang Give Said The Little Stream chorus, then followed by the other group of brothers singing, In The Leafy Tree Tops, complete with actions.  There was another round of Give Said The Little Stream chorus and then we all sang, I Like To Take A Horse and Buggy.  Each group had one person with a set of plastic cups, (It was me in my group.) bumping them on one end and then the other to get the clip clop sound of a horse.  After singing it all the way through, we sang it as a round, ending with  Give Said The Little Stream chorus.  There was a lot of up and down and fun songs.  The theater was packed and the audience seemed pleased with what they were hearing and trying to figure out what group was standing up or sitting down next.!  I think this has been one of the most enjoyable choir experiences I have had.

We finished the evening off with visiting with Brother and Sister Curley about our trip to Manchester during the temple closure in September.  We are excited with all the places she said we must see!

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