12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Temple Week #12, 12 August 2014

Tuesday:  We were both in the baptistry today.  We had one session at 10 a.m that included five French youth, seven Swedish youth, and one American.  The group was well mannered and they brought several adults with them that helped out with various tasks and responsibilities.  They finished up about noon, and we got the laundry started.  After lunch, we were in the laundry, moving the clothing to the dryers, folding, and putting away.

I had a doctor's appointment at 4 p.m.  Brother Wade drove us to that and to pick up a prescription for a urinary tract infection.  We had dinner when we got home and there were off to the 6 p.m. session.  Sister Clark, here on a mission asked Dad if he would do her father's endowment today as she will be sealed to her parents tomorrow.  The session was lovely and he was happy to do it.

From Home:
I know it's pink, but it is all for Eliza!  She is weighing in at 11 lbs., 8 oz., 25 inches long!  You grow baby!  Henry and Caleb are enjoying an unusual event in Yuma - rain!

Wednesday:  There were no baptisms today, so I was in clothing with Sister George.  There were not very many patrons renting clothing, so she and I had plenty of time for visiting.    I rang up three orders and managed to mess up two of them!  I know I am not ready to be on my own!  That will be a scary day.

At the flat, we did laundry, fixed dinner, and read.  We joined others for a FHE group in the TV room, where we watched a dvd, "Faith In Their Footsteps."  It is about the first missionaries in England, the prominent one being Heber C Kimball.  Brother Davis said his great great great grandfather would be mentioned in the dvd as being baptized a member.  When that part came, it was Heber C Kimball who baptized him.  I told Brother Davis that Heber C is Dad's great great grandfather.  When the missionaries left England, they had baptized 2,000 saints, with Heber doing more that 1,000 0f those baptisms.

I had made a pan of Grandma Brown's brownies for refreshments.  Everyone was enjoying them when Sister Adler asked if I had made them.  When I said I had she said they were lovely and could she have the recipe.  I went to the flat and got her one.  She was busily reading it and asked:  "What is shortening?"  (They don't have it here.)  We all explained what it is and what would be like it over here.  It will be interesting to see how hers will turn out.

Thursday:  We woke up to rain and headed over to the temple.  We had one session today.  It went well with plenty of brothers and sisters to help and the youth were easy to work with.  We were busy the whole time.

We were off on the shopping trip after our shift.  I took the umbrella because it was raining and the weather is a little cooler.  We were successful in getting what we were looking for and even picked up Kentucky Fried chicken for dinner.

Friday:  We had two baptism sessions, one at 10 a.m, and one at 12 p.m.  Both groups were fair sized and very courteous.  They brought family file names and we used some temple file.  They had sisters and brothers to help, which made for a smooth time.  We got four loads of laundry through and two of them folded before we were off shift at 2:30 p.m.

We had four from France and an American family had joined in the session.  The father had served his mission in France, so he was the officiator for them.  They were thrilled to hear the ordinances in their language, and the father was very happy to help out.

Dad had a surprise when he saw Delbert Phelps, who grew up with Spencer,  in the temple.  They enjoyed a pleasant conversation and it was nice to see someone from "home."

Members of our shift went to dinner with Sister Powell and Bro & Sis Wade.  They are going home the end of the month.  There were 36 of us that met at the Thai restaurant in Lingfield.  We are told this is one of the best Thai restaurants in southern England.  We have not eaten at a Thai restaurant before so it was a new experience for us.  I had #36-sweet and sour duck.  I can't really say what it tasted like because I mostly tasted what it was cooked in.  Dad had  #82-chicken and prawn rice served in the scooped out half of a pineapple.

 Left:  The Strongs on left and Littlefileds on right.  Sister Powell on the right.

two views down the long table.  Note the fish in the middle of the one on the right.  He is in a fish tank that goes from the top of the table to the ceiling.  There are too many wonderful people to get them all named:  Sister Kelly, Sister Smith, Sister Biggs, Brother Searle, etc.  Brother Davis, Sister Masih, President Irwin, Sister Hale, Sister Freeman, etc.

This is the toilet in the bathroom at the restaurant.  Note that the tank is a fish tank!  And, no, the fish did not go down when I flushed.

Saturday:  This is our three month mark!  It has gone fast, slow, busy, quiet, etc.  It is amazing to know we have been here this long; the things we have learned and recognizing there is much much more to learn about the mission and this wonderful country!

It was a busy day in the temple.  We had two baptism sessions and they both ran smoothly.  One was from Cardiff and they brought enough priesthood and sisters to manage the session.  We got them set up and mainly stayed out of the way.  Oh, we did trade out towels and get the laundry going, dried, and folded, though.  When the other shift came on board, we moved to other assignments.  I continue to be amazed at the many walks of life, the different physical limitations, cultures, and races these faithful patrons come from.

Our afternoon and evening was spent in doing laundry, cleaning, ironing, etc.  We also took a walk to the Accomodations Centre and ended up at the Visitor's Centre and talked with Elder & Sister Anderson, from Logan, UT.  Young Sister Jacob showed us how she was talking and teaching the gospel Online.  It is pretty amazing what they can do.  She told of a young man they had found on the internet.  He was in Sicily and wanted to join the church.  She sent his information to the missionaries there and he began taking the lessons and was baptized.

While there, we also saw a lovely bride and groom out on the temple grounds.  She started walking over to the Visitor's Centre seeming a little distressed.  She said she had left her bag in the hired car that had brought them to the temple!  She wanted to use the internet to locate their phone number in her email.  She could not find it and went back outside.  Luckily she did have her recommend with her so the ceremony would continue as planned!

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