12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Temple Week #20, 21-25 October 2014

The French are here this week in the temple.  This always brings the need for language cards.  One day we used cards in French, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, and Mandarin.  It is always an interesting experience when we use them.  Dad and I both spiritual thoughts in preparation meeting on "being prepared."  It is always amazing when so many different thoughts come from one conference talk.

Tuesday was a blustery, autumn day with leaves swirling around in the air and on the ground.  One tree decked out in full fall colors has been stripped bare.  When driving on the roads you can actually see beyond the growth to the homes and properties since the leaves have been blown away.  It is a different look to the land.  We had heavy rain, then light rain, then periodic rain and colder temperatures.

We celebrated Isabel's (15) and Bobby's (22) birthdays with phone calls.  They are both doing well, busy with life, school, work, sports, music, and church.

We attended family night, did the weekly shopping, and bought and wrapped Christmas gifts for the children.  Kendal will take them home with her to hand out at Thanksgiving.  I finished the blankets for Juliann's baby and got them sent to her.  We paid bills, ran errands, and Dad paid the taxes on the new car.  All of the flats were given a new piece of art work.  We traded ours out and hung it where we readily see it when we are in the living room.

Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist

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