12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kendal & Family Comes For A Visit, 23 - 28 October 2014

A happy day it was when Kendal, Nate, Bridger, Sam, & McKenna came on Thursday.  We had expected them to be here when we finished our shift, but they were delayed with picking up the rental car.  They came in about 5 p.m. and hugs were definitely in order!  We were all so excited to see each other and talk about their trip and what it is like here on the temple grounds.

On Friday, Dad and I were in the temple for our shift and the Welkers went to the Chartwell house, the house of Winston Churchill.  There were plenty of children activities and they came home with stories to tell and events to share with us.  Dad and I and Nate and Kendal went to the 4:45 p.m. session in the temple and Sister Smith was happy to watch the children.  They enjoyed being with her and McKenna even found a £10 note on the road!  She was excited to have it to spend while here in England.

Dad and I were able to get Saturday off and we planned a road trip with the family.  We headed to Toby Carvery's breakfast buffet, which all enjoyed.  Oh, wait a minute; their ovens were down and it would be a wait for the food.  An English couple came in just after us and decided to go to the Harvester which also offers a breakfast buffet.  They were kind enough to let us follow us there.  Then it was on to Bodiam Castle.

We had fun climbing stairs, walking across the top, and exploring all the rooms, crooks, and crannys we could find.  The children participated in the ghostly dragon hunt and were successful in finding all the clues, spelling out the word, and finding the dragon.  They received a prize for doing so and colored stained glass pictures of the castle to have as reminders of their visit.

Fun in the stocks!

Children atop the castle and Grandpa waving to them.

After Bodiam, we headed on to Battle Abbey, the site of the Battle of Hastings.  When we arrived, we broke out lunch and everyone ate as we were pretty hungry.  The weather was cloudy with rain here and there.

We arrived at Battle Abbey for a most wonderful tour.  There was a craft for the children to make a felt Halloween mask. Next was the ghostly tour where we learned about the history of the abbey, mainly the garterobe which was a hit with the children.  The tour guide did not hold back with language and descriptions.
Bridger posing in front of the garterobe.
 In 1066, the Normans defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings.  William the Conqueror founded 'Battle' Abbey as penance for the bloodshed and a memorial to the dead.  Battle Abbey enjoyed great wealth and special privileges as the symbol of Norman triumph.

Site of where the Battle of Hastings took place.

Top photo is of the Great Gatehouse.  It is the best preserved and most impressive building having been rebuilt in 1338.  Bottom photo is of the monk's dormitory.
We heard other spooky stories as we toured the abbey itself.  Then, in the room shown in the bottom right photo, the children were delightfully entertained with tales of people's death of unusual circumstances.  The room had a dirt floor, was cold, dim, and musty, giving atmosphere for the stories.

The story teller was most animated and interacted with the children to their delight.  He held up headstones with the name of a person on it and then would tell the story.  The children followed him from one headstone to another as if he were the Pied Piper!

One story that really caught the children's attention was about Franz Reichelt.  Franz invented a parachute jacket.  On 4 February 1912, he donned the jacket atop the viewing deck of the Eiffel Tower to test his invention.  He stood on the edge for a period of time, most likely thinking about how dumb the idea was before he jumped.  He had multiple primitive video cameras pointed at him to capture this amazing feat, so off he jumped, plummeting straight to the ground, dying instantly.  But, not all was lost as his death was the first video recorded death!  (Go to YouTube and type in his name to watch the video.)

One of the walkways of the abbey and three sweet peas in a telephone booth!
We enjoyed Sunday at church with the kids getting a taste of British meetings.  The children hooked up with the Vowels children for primary and enjoyed their time there as two of them had temple missionaries as their teachers.  I helped with Isabel by taking her out and Kendal volunteered to lead the music in Relief Society.  I introduced her to some of the young mothers and they enjoyed conversation.

The rest of the day was spent in visiting, playing cards, and preparing and eating food.  What a fun time we had together.

We drove to the train station on Monday, headed for London.  It was my first time on the train and we bought our senior passes that are good for a year and give us a discount each time we ride.

We rode the train, the tube, the bus, and walked.  The sights were fantastic and we had fun being together.  We could not have asked for better weather as we didn't always need our sweater on and the sun was brightly shining.

Big Ben, us, and the guard at Buckingham Palace

Big Ben, a bobby and the children, the cavalry, and us in front of Buckingham Palace.
With the guard and petting the horse.

A magnificent steed.
The London Eye, family at the Tower of London, and the poppy display at the Tower of London in honor of the soldiers who fought in Wars.

St. Paul's Cathedral in the center, other street and building scenes of the city, and the children by the 'Mind The Gap' warning at the train station.
Us in front of Hyde Park Chapel.  We were to the National Science Museum and the children had a marvelous time with the interactive displays, etc.  When we left, we found this across the street.  We didn't know it was right there.
Tuesday morning came and it was time for them to leave.  We sent them off after a breakfast of biscuits and gravy.  Sister Masih came by to bring the children candy for their trip home.  She had met them on Friday and was so happy to see them.  She told them how we had come to their home and had met their grandchildren.  When I was to work in the afternoon, several of the sisters asked if our visit was good.  They had heard the children play, saw them on the grounds, and hoped we had enjoyed one another.

i am glad you are on a mission so we can come and visit you and be able to see places in London. I am was amazed at bodium castle and the battle abby. I was glad that you guys could come to it made it alot funner. thanks for being on a mission in england.   Love, Bridger

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