12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Temple Week #19, 13-19 October 2014

The weather was interesting this week.  Beginning on Sunday, it was cloudy and rainy clear through Wednesday without a speck of sunshine!  Then came Thursday and the sun came out and how nice it was.  Its brightness and the cool autumn breeze made a perfect mix for being outside.

The temple was busy and we were on the late schedule.  By Saturday there were two coaches in the car park plus the baptistry was busy the entire day.

Throughout the week we spoke with children on the phone, cleaned the flat, and got the laundry done.  We did grocery shopping Thursday morning with stopping for breakfast at Toby Carvery.

Friday was Milton's funeral and I thought of him and all the family that would be together.  I so wanted to be there. We called the children on Saturday and Sunday to hear how it went.

Our children who attended the funeral:  Halie, Jeanna, Kendal, Sam, Bridger, Bob, and Tyler.

My Sunday story:  We had just begun Gospel Doctrine class at church when the teacher asked a question.  I quickly raised my hand when to my surprise, before I could answer, a member of the Primary presidency asked  for one person to assist in nursery.  When the teacher looked up and saw my raised hand she said:  "That is great Sister Brown.  Thank you!"  So off to nursery I went.  It wasn't bad at all.  The leader was prepared and I assisted with six little ones.  Some became my buddies and even smiled at me after class was over and we met in the hallway.

Dad and I went for a walk during the afternoon and captured some of the beauty of fall here on the temple grounds.

Planes fly over constantly.  It appears Moroni has something to say to this one!  President and Sister Johnson were out walking and Bob coaxed them into a photograph.  We had a very nice visit with them.
From Home:  Katie's family attended the Phoenix Temple Open House.

Katie, Lorili, Gabe, Henry, Caleb, Eliza

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