12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, November 17, 2014

Birthdays, Patriots, A Baby, A package, And Baptisms: 11 - 16 November 2014

The 11th was Jack's birthday!  We are happy he is serving a mission in Peru and continue to enjoy his letters Jeanna shares with us.  Happy Birthday, Jack!

Jack is on the right.

The 11th is also Veteran's Day in America and Armistice Day in Europe.  England has been out in fashion paying tribute to all soldiers who fought and died in any war in remembrance of this being the 100 year anniversary of World War I.

Our family in Yuma, has been apart of these celebrations in America by participating in or attending the Veteran's Day Parade in Yuma.  It has become a tradition to gather as family and pay tribute to those who have served from our country.  We have family members that served in wars and none were lost through death during that period of time.  Their service was invaluable to the cause of freedom.  As I have read stories of such patriots and that of my own father's service, I am touched with their zeal to fight, to fight for freedom, and to sustain our country.  They went without thought of their own selves but that of the greater cause.  These patriots are as the Sons of Helaman; men/women of faith and conviction.

Family members who served:  Thank you for your service!

Robert Dale Brown served in the United States Army during World War II.
Clyde Jackson Farar served in the United States Marine Corpe during World War II.
Robert Edward Brown served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War.
Johnny Alford Croslin served in the United States Navy during World War II.
Herbert Eugene Farar served in the United States Navy during World War II.

Parade 2014:  Lorili, Adellae, Kylee, Dan, Cheryl, Dallin, Dean, Bailee, Lauren, Linsey, Henry, Gabe, Juliann, & Caleb.
Little baby Collins was trying to decide if he wanted to join in on the excitement of the 11th, and then realized he needed his own special day, arriving safely to this earth on Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014, weighing in at 9'4".  We are so happy he is here safe.  He has enlarged our posterity to 35 grandchildren.

We had a great surprise when the package from the Umphress family arrived.  We were excited in opening it up and finding pictures from the family as well as Brynlyn and Adellae.

The box also contained a "Traveling Lizard" Adellae made.  We have decided to take it with us when we go places and take pictures of it with us.  Kind of like a Flat Stanley.  It should be fun for us and for Adellae when she gets the photos of where all the lizard travels.

We were baptistry coordinators for the week.  There were small sessions here and there and we found ourselves in other assignments most of the time.  Friday evening and Saturday proved different with sessions that were well managed and plenty of proxies for the work.  Those were wonderful times and we enjoyed the leaders who came and those who helped from our shift.  After washing, drying, folding, and putting away several loads of laundry, we came home very tired on Saturday.  We had been home about 5 minutes when Sister Mulholland knocked on our door and invited us for dinner.  What a nice surprise that was.  We enjoyed the meal, the visiting, and then played a couple of games before coming home at 8 p.m.  The weather for the week was rain, rain, rain, and then some blue skies and sunshine on occasion.

In church on Sunday, Daniel, who is leaving on a mission on Thursday, spoke on the importance of living the gospel each day and not being afraid to share it through example and through word.  He was very impressive in spite of his short time being a member.  He will serve his mission longer than he has been a member.  The other two speakers focused their remarks on how to influence the youth to prepare for missions, whether we are parents, grandparents, family, friends, or church leaders.  Brother Hunt shared moments in his life when priesthood leaders had been fantastic examples to him in how to live, how to prepare, and then how to do in living the gospel.  Help was needed in the nursery so I went in during Relief Society to help out.  These little children are so precious and a delight to be with it.  They give me a taste of home and I love it.

Sunday marked our six month date of being in London.

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