12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, November 3, 2014

Temple Week #21, 28 Oct - 3 Nov 2014

The week started off with seeing Kendal's family headed back home.  The temple was busy with patrons and some days it seemed there were not enough workers.  It is always amazing how the work is accomplished no matter our numbers.

Julie celebrated her birthday this week and we forgot to call.  We had spoken with their family the day before but it didn't register to say 'happy birthday' to her.  We got a thank you note from Linda Roddy and face-timed Katie's family.

Dad and I did home teaching with taking treats to our families on Halloween.  They were pleased and we enjoyed visiting with them.

Halloween pictures from home:
Eliza the mouse.  Caleb is a pirate.  Gabe is Fireman Henry's dog.

The Umphress Clan is coming in with Cat In The Hat!
I started feeling sick on Friday and by Saturday morning I was unable to go to the temple.  I called Sister Littlefield with the not-so-good news.  I stayed home in bed or on the couch all day.  Thank goodness Kendal put Netflix on my iPad!  I really caught up on Heartland.  Then Juliann helped me out with amazon and I caught up on Castle.  Watching them really made me feel like I was home.

I started taking Airborne, pain reliever, and using throat lozenges.  I fixed a pot of chicken soup and enjoyed it.  I still was sick and had moments of feeling better here and there.

Then others started offering suggestions on what to do:
1.  Eat chicken soup.
2.  Rub Vicks on the bottom of my feet and on my throat and cover.
3.  Drink a hot lemon/honey tea.
4.  Breathe a drop of Olbas essential oil inhalant, in a pan of boiling water with a towel over my head.
5.  Put alcohol on a hankie and tie on my throat and cover it with a dry hankie.
6.  Smear Vicks all over my throat and nose and stand in a steaming shower.
7.  Swallow the following:  a glob of butter, 1 T vinegar, 2 t honey.
8.  Keep my throat warm.

I went to the doctor on Monday and he said he can hear a slight rattle in the lower right lung.  So, he gave me an antibiotic and said to stay home until I feel better.  I gave the news to Sister Littlefield.  I hope I feel better really soon.

The weather turned to rain on Sunday and continued throughout the night and during Monday.  I was feeling better by Monday and did laundry, ironing, mending, and blogging.  Dad ran errands.  Dad and I are in charge of family home evening on Wednesday, so we put that together.

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