12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

World War I & The Weekend, 12-15 September 2014

September 12, 1914, marked the beginning of the First World War.  England has come out in full attire with remembering the 100th anniversary of this event.  The Visitors Centre held an outstanding patriotic program made up of many members of the community to commemorate this event.

Saturday was a busy day cleaning the flat and doing the laundry.  We stayed in all day and focused on the task at hand.  We also read, watched a movie, ironed, crocheted, etc.  There was a special musical program on TV, called "The Proms."  Sister Davis set it up in the TV room, beginning at 7:30 p.m. and several came to watch it.  I did and really enjoyed it.  It is an annual event to pay tribute to good music.  It was an outstanding cast of musicians and singers.  I was very impressed with the quality from opera to folk.  It was held in Albert Hall in London with the BBC orchestra, choir, and singers.  Sister Andersen brought some of the food left from the reception last night after the World War I program, which we all enjoyed.  Dad played card games with the Parkinson's instead.

We rode the minibus to church on Sunday.  I got to love and tend the Vowel's baby for the last half of sacrament meeting.  Oh, it was so nice to have a baby to hold and hug.  He is so sweet and will let you hug him!  I was missing our grand babies and he served as the proxy for my fix!

There were three couples sick with colds at the temple, so I made rolls and a pot of chicken soup and took to them.  They were appreciative and we enjoyed the friendly visits.

We had good phone conversations with Juliann and Jared.  They are both doing well.

We started Monday off early with getting up at 4 a.m. and calling Jeanna, Katie, and Nelson.  Well, Bob couldn't sleep so he started making the phone calls and I woke up and joined him.  It was good to talk to all of them and hear how they are doing.  We talked with Katie about getting some things out of storage for us.

Our day was busy with rehearsing music and running errands in East Grinstead.  We picked up my dry cleaning and stopped in a charity shop and we found a small couch that both sides recline and are very comfortable.  We bought it for £145 and it will be delivered next Tuesday.  We are excited for it to come.  I will have a place to relax and Dad a place to sleep!  We picked up a few more things we were looking for.

We had lunch at McDonald's and then drove to Crawley where we purchased me a phone so we can contact each other when we are out and about.  We played card games at the Parkinson's for the evening.

From Home:
Brynlyn & Eliza, happy cousins.

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