12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, October 13, 2014

Temple Week #17, 30 September - 3 October, 2014

The week went well with being on the p.m. schedule and slow attendance in the temple.  We used our workers a lot for patrons.  We had rain most every day and some days the clouds would go away and bright blue skies and warm sunshine was the scene.  I took advantage of that and spent time out on the lawn, reading, and soaking up the rays.

We made a trip to the doctor's for Dad to have blood work done and I talked with the doctor about my tummy issues.  The GERD has been worse and I cannot seem to get a handle on it.  He upped my medication dose and added one to follow meals.  As I began the treatment, relief came.  Since Dad had been fasting for the blood work, we went to Toby Carvery for their breakfast buffet afterwards for breakfast.

One day while on shift, we were asked to attend a session due to the low patron attendance.  That worked out nicely for both of us.  Another day, a female was needed to do a baptism and I was asked.  It was nice to participate in the ordinance and be reminded of it.  Sister George fell sick on Thursday, the regular shopping day, so we took her on Friday when she was better.

We did our shopping at the Sainsburys Superstore in Crawley.  I really like it because it has a much larger selection, is newer, and easier to get around in.  We found all we had on our list.  We spoke with Kendal on the phone as plans are starting to formulate concerning her family's visit the end of October.

Dad came home Thursday night and said he had a thought:  "Since we are not working on Saturday due to General Conference, do we want to go somewhere for the weekend?"  That got us to thinking and I pulled out my bucket list and we selected the Isle of Wight.  We began researching all there would be to see, how to get there, etc.  We went to bed with seeing how we felt about it come morning.

We woke up Friday, and knew we were going to the Isle of Wight.  We finished plans, packed, and then went to the temple.  We had a good shift with plenty to do.

From Home:

Adellae is Student of the Month.  The Umphress Family at the stake open house.

Adellae sent a picture.  Fall is in the air.  The acorns and pine cone are from the temple grounds as the trees are beginning to change colors and drop their leaves.

Tyler sent photos of Charly at her swim meet he attended in the Phoenix area.

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