12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Back At The Temple, 16-21 September 2014

We bagan back at the temple today and are on the late shift.  The new carpet is wonderful and we really like it.  It runs throughout the floors of the temple and down into the baptistry.  The carpeting is also new in the celestial room and matches the drapery and seems to enhance the fabric and wood of the furniture.  It also has a pattern similar to the other carpeting, both of which is the pattern on the metal work on the outside of the temple.  The endowment rooms, locker, and initiatory areas were not re-carpeted.  The meeting of one carpet to another is a bit of an eye sore.

Patrons were not as many as I thought there would be making the temple quiet for the most part.  I was in clothing/till and that was not busy at all.  I may have serviced 6 patrons during the shift.  I did okay with using the till.  I had to cancel out one transaction and that went okay.  It was good to see everyone again.

I stopped by the Wade's on the way home as there were lights in their flat.  It was good to visit with them and to hear of their holiday.  They are finishing up with packing and will be headed home next week.

On Wednesday we went to surgery for Dad to get meds and then home to get ready and went to the 11:15 a.m. session.  It was large with a new patron.  Enjoyed lunch at the canteen, then to our preparation meeting and on to our shift.  The lift was not working on occasion so that presented some dilemmas in getting patrons to the rooms.  I met the Murdoch's for rehearsal afterward.  Was a good day.  I helped three Americans with clothing and it was nice to talk with them.

Sunday, in Gospel Doctrine class we learned a new way to pronounce Isaiah.  I always thought it was Ay-za (long a)-uh.  Well, the British pronounce it Ay-zi (long i)-uh.  When class started I had the hardest time figuring out what the teacher was saying because I knew what the lesson was on!

Sunday evening was a fireside at the Visitors Centre.  Elder and Sister McClellan were the speakers and told about their lives, conversions, and testimonies.  Sister McClellan's mother died unexpectedly when she was 28 years old, leaving four children, with Sister McClellan being only three years old.  Her father had just gotten a new job with the Boy Scouts of America and would be traveling among four states.  He could not see how he could do the job and take care of his young family at the same time.  So, the children were farmed out to this relative and that relative.  Sister McClellan was sent to live with her mother's parents in another town and her father had to pay them to take her.  (They were never happy with him marrying their daughter.)  When she started school, she moved back to the town where her father lived and stayed with his parents so she could attend school there.  One day when she was seven, she was off playing with cousins when one of the older cousins said:  "Hey, you need to get home quick.  You have a new mother!"  She was shocked and so happy to finally have a mother that she cried all the way home.  Her father had married a woman she loved instantly and she was a loving and kind mother to all the children.  Life was a joy after that as they were a complete family.

Sister Hale does water colors and painted this picture of the Roman bridge in the River Ribble Valley for us.

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