12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Milton Passes Away, 5 October 2014

The day ended with the sad news that Milton passed away this morning.  It came as a shock but a relief at the same time and I am thankful he is my brother and for the love he always showed me.  
Danny, Mom, Barbara, and Milton.  We flew to New Hampshire in 1983, when Milton was called as a bishop.

Nelson called to tell us the news and then I went to our email and found this message from Lynette:
"Extended Family:   This is my first email out to let close family and dearest friends know that Milton passed away this morning about 4:30A. This is a wonderful release from the suffering of Alzheimer's and I keep thinking he has graduated and is thinking, seeing, feeling and communicating again and, although I know he is concerned about all of us left behind, it must be a joyful experience for him. I was able to have two hours with him two days ago and, although he couldn't communicate with me, I know he was hearing my voice and I felt like he was trying to open his eyes and speak to me. We talked of so many things from our time together to our beautiful family to how grateful I was for the ordinances of the temple that seal us together for eternity. I am so grateful for that time.
   We don't have all of our plans together yet, but our thoughts are that there will be a viewing and very short program here in Texas and then he will be flown to Salt Lake where there will be a funeral and burial at the Wasatch Lawn Cemetary. We are hoping for Friday, October 17th, but please don't buy any tickets or anything like that until I have definite information. Kim, Evan and I are meeting with the funeral director tomorrow at 10:00A so I should have more information after that.
   I know how much Milton loves all of you and I know he would want me to tell you what a wonderful, positive impact you have all had on his (and my) life. 
Love, love, love, Lynette"

The next email:  "The schedule is now set. There will be a viewing in Texas at Rest Haven Funeral Home, 3701 Rowlett Rd., Rowlett, TX 75088, 972-412-5195 on Friday, Oct. 10th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. The funeral will be in Salt Lake at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park Chapel on Friday, Oct 17 at 11:00 AM with the burial directly following the service in the Wasatch Lawn Cemetary. The address is: 3401 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84106, Tel: 801-466-8687.
   You can contact me at home (972-240-0890), on my cell (603-231-8509) or by email (lfarar@gmail.com). 
   Thanks so much for your love and support. It means more than you know!!!
Love, love, love, Lynette"

My email to my family:   "You all know that Milton passed away yesterday.  Thank you for tracking us down.  I had a good conversation with Lynette last night.  She is at present, doing okay as he was in a care facility for 2-3 months already and she had made peace with him not living at home.  
   I am doing okay.  I love my brother and am sad that he is gone, but I know he is gone to a better place.  He would not have known me any longer in this life and now he does know me.  He had been in my thoughts off and on throughout the day and when I got the call, I knew why.  We will not be coming home for the funeral.  Please remember his family in your prayers and thoughts as they work through this sad but joyful time.  As Lynette said:  "I know now that when it is my time to go, he will be there for me."
   I am grateful for the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ, that Heavenly Father loves each one of us and is ever so mindful of us.  I am thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who paid the ultimate price to know how to succor us in our times of need.  I hope we all take full advantage of the atonement through repentance, forgiveness, and feeling the love of the Savior.  I am thankful to know that our family will exist in the eternities and that this life is not all there is.  It will be a joyful reunion for all of us when that day comes.  Until then, may we all live to be together!
I love you all so very much, Mom"

The last time I saw Milton - Damond's funeral in January 2013.  Bill Conrad, Danny, Milton, Aunt Millie Sonia Serrano, Sharon French, Carla Underhill, Barbara.

Danny, Milton, Barbara
The following emails then began to come and go:
"Dear Family, I will be attending Uncle Milton's funeral on the 17th in SLC.  I have looked at Buddy Passes to SLC for the funeral.  On US Airways there is availability to make it here and then back home.  You would have to come up Thursday night and would be able to make it back Friday night or on Saturday.  The earliest flight on Friday gets you to SLC at 10:15am.  That is not enough time to make it to the funeral. The round trip price from PHX to SLC is $126.70.  I checked flying from YUM to PHX to SLC and the round trip price is the same.  Tuscon price was $8 more at $134.70.  If any of you are interested in coming please let me know and we can get you here.  If you happen to buy a buddy pass and then aren't able to use it, you do get a full refund.  This is standby travel, but I wouldn't offer if I didn't think you would make it.  My kids are out of school the 16th and 17th and I would be able to pick up and drop off at the airport for any of you that come.  
    Please don't feel obligated to come.  Full price tickets are close to $400.  Just trying to help where I can.

"Thank you Kendal, That is extremely kind. That is my schedule exactly. I was going to leave Yuma at 6 p.m. Thursday and return Saturday morning/afternoon. I accept you offer. How do I get you payment? On another note, I am renting a car at the airport and am willing to provide the transportation from the airport and back. I am also getting a hotel room I am willing to share. If anyone needs a ride or a room, let me know. I'll save you a trip to the airport Kendal. I'm sure you drive there enough. Thanks again, Bob"

"Thanks Kendal. I will be driving up and attending also. I can help with airport transportation along with anyone that wants to come my way and travel up. I will be staying with Halie Thursday night and home Friday after funeral. I would love to connect with any of you that are attending.  
Jeanna Mortensen "

"Thank you kendal and Bob for the offer. It is extremely kind of you. Unfortunately I will not be able to take you up on it since I will be 36 weeks at that point and with the pregnancy issues we've been having already traveling is out of the question for me and my family.
    Although I am glad though to know our family is going to be well represented and showing forth the love that uncle Milton always did with our family. He was a great man and we were all blessed to have him as our uncle.
love, Juliann"

"Lynette,  It appears that some of our children will make it to Salt Lake.   We love you all so much and our prayers and thoughts are with you.  Love, Barbara"
      "It will be wonderful to see them! It can't be easy for you to lose a brother who watched over his little sister. I'm so happy you are serving in the temple. Working and serving in the Boston Temple is a major highlight in my life and I felt like it helped me over many "bumps." I love you and your family!
Love, love, love, Lynette

Thank you for letting everyone know. We have had so many friends and family who have gotten the word out and the expressions of sympathy and support are totally amazing and wonderful. I understand the feelings of peace the atonement brings. I am sad occasionally, but more often joyful about the peace and happiness Milton must be feeling. John called and said he was envious of all the answers to questions his dad is getting and how much he must be learning. I have to admit the thought has occurred to me as well. We are being truly blessed!!!
     Thanks so much for your email. I'm so glad you get to serve a temple mission. What an incredible blessing!!!     Love, Lynette

Some memories of Milton:

Milton was my big brother.  Due to the age difference, we really never played together, but he always looked out for me and took care of me.

I remember the time in grade school when I had an injured knee with bandaging that kept me from bending it.  I wanted to ride the bus to school as usual but it would be very difficult to climb the steps up into the bus and then get off the bus.  Milton was in high school at the time and drove himself there each day.  To solve my dilemma, he carried me onto the bus and then followed it to school so he could carry me off the bus.  He repeated this ordeal when school was over.

Top left clockwise:  Dad, Milton, Danny, & Barbara.  Our family one Easter.  Same Easter, getting ready to go to Church.  Young Danny & Milton.  Danny, Dad, Milton, Barbara, & Chow dog at Tacna house.
Family photos, Milton as a toddler and with Chow.

When Milton started dating, he took me along to the drive-in movies.  I cannot tell you how many movies I watched!  He included me with his "girl" friends which always made me feel special.

Donna Lane, Milton, Tom Burk, Clara Jo Atkin, Barbara
When He and Lynette got married and later moved to Utah, I began spending summers with them.  I was there when Kim was born and when Debbie was born.  They always made me feel a part of their family and included me in all that they did.
Left to right:  Bob, Lynette & Milton at Visitor's Center, Washington D.C. temple, 1978.  Family photo taken in Salt Lake, October 1986.  Mom and her posterity at a Farar reunion in Cottonwood, 1977.

When Bob and I got married, Danny and Bill were on their missions.  It was a special treat to have Milton and Lynette in the temple with us on that special day.

When our first baby was born, Milton & Lynette's Bill was born a few weeks later and we enjoyed telephone calls about our baby boys being the first of our parent's grandsons.

Over the years of our families growing, Milton and Lynette made numerous trips to Yuma between Christmas and New Year's Eve.  We have so many wonderful memories of being together, playing games, shopping, going to Mexico to eat, recounting family stories, sleeping all over the house and out on the trampoline, and cooking food in many forms and making lots of it.  Each time it was wonderful to be together and enjoy the bond of family.  
Our family in Tacna.  Mom & Milton in Salt Lake.  Bill Bolerjack, Milton, Bill, Danny, & Rebel in Tacna.  Milton, Barbara, & Tyler, Yuma.
We have made visits to their home in New Hampshire and each time we felt the love and joy of family.  

When Milton came home for Mother's passing, he let Katie and her date use his rental car to go to the prom.

When Bob was to undergo surgery, Milton extended his visit and traveled with us to Phoenix for the surgery and stayed with us for the day.

When I think of my brother Milton, I think of his bright smile, his warm hug, and his genuine love for me.  I loved to hear him call me "Sis," and "Babs," as they are endearing names that mean love and joy to me.  My relationship with my brothers is what I have always hoped for, for my own children, because family is really what matters when the dust clears.

I know that what ever it may be, if I needed it and Milton could do it, he would.

I will miss him.  The last several times I have spoken to him on the phone, he was different and I recognized that he was already making his journey home.  I know that he is now free from the bonds of his earthly body and is jumping for joy in the reunion he has had with his parents, brother, grandparents, and others dear to him.  

I love you, Milton.  Your favorite sister, Barbara.

Family in Tacna.  Milton, Dad & Danny.  Grandpa Farar & Milton.

Our family and school days for Milton.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Barbara. What a beautiful tribute to your brother.
