12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Back Home From Ireland, 19 September 2015

Our trip had been fantastic and we were excited to have another country's stamp in our passports!  At the bottom of Ireland, outlined in black, are the places we went.  Cork is at the bottom, Killarney to the left, and then Dingle Peninsula far left.

Saturday was a travel day.  We drove to Cork.

We said goodbye to the land of green. . . . . .
Flew to Gatwick.
. . . . .and hello to the land of clouds!  England.
We caught a bus to the Duke's Head pub and Brother Cooper picked us up there and took us on back to the temple.
Dad, impersonating a British bloke waving down Brother Cooper.

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