12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Halie and Jason Come! Yea! 18-24 August 2015

It was a great way to start the week with Halie and Jason arriving.  They had delays in their flight so they didn't get here until after our shift at 9 p.m.  It was so good to see them and feel a touch of home.  The week continued with Bob taking them to the train each morning and them spending the days in London.  He picked them up when we were off at 9 p.m. each evening.

We enjoyed hearing of their adventures each evening and then we ended with a couple of games of rummy.  It sure felt like home to us.

Our days were filled with temple lessons with Natalie, a chiropractor visit, hair cuts, birthday calls, and Dad going to breakfast with the boys.

One morning we left out early taking Halie and Jason to Windsor, with a stop at Toby Carvery for breakfast.  The food was delicious and Jason was down with a breakfast buffet.  He and Dad definitely enjoyed the outing.  We also discovered Jason likes Peanut M&M's, my M&M of choice.  I guess he fits right in with us.

We planned our trip for the weekend with picking Halie and Jason up at the Oxford train station after our shift on Saturday.  Dad had reserved rooms for the night at a Ramada and we headed that direction.  Much to our dismay, the hotel did not have air conditioning and we got a smoking room.  Dad thought breakfast came with the price but it did not.  We asked for a non-smoking room but none were available.  So, we tried to make the best of a bad situation with asking for a fan, which they did have.  Halie and Jason did not get one and we bought breakfast items at the grocery store.  We did have one benefit for being here; Halie and Jason saw Ellie Goulding, an English singer, Halie's star!  She was in the grocery store when Halie and Jason where there.

Sunday morning came and we were all ready to get out of the rooms.  The weather had turned to clouds and cooler temps, but still not enough to merit staying in a stuffy room.

We headed to church, meeting with the Oxford First Ward.  The members were friendly enough and we felt welcome.  Dad immediately recognized a Frenchman who comes to the temple often.  They greeted one another.  Jason recognized a missionary from his mission in Houston, Texas!  That was a surprise to all.

Oxford First Ward.  The chapel is the long windows in the middle.

Relief Society was short a pianist so Halie volunteered and did a great job.  Sacrament was last and the counselor conducting wound up with extra time at the end and asked Elder Brown to bear his testimony.  Dad was surprised but did a great job.

When church ended the rain was coming down.  We changed into casual clothes and headed off to the center of Oxford where we walked the streets and saw some sights.

 We had a traditional Sunday meal at Beefeaters.  Can you see the pudds?
 Halie & Jason
Bob & Barbara

 The line was too long for Christ Church.
 Insteaad, we turned around and watched the ducks.

 Jason and Halie figured out the kissing gate.

The pub of choice for great writers like C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, etc.

 The university spreads throughout the town with various buildings and houses of worship.

At day's end we headed to Stratford-Upon-Avon, where we were hoping to find a much better place to stay the night.  After passing several bed and breakfast inns, Jason or Halie, I can't remember which, spotted a Holiday Inn.  We turned in, parked, and went to see what we could find.  Much to our relief they had two rooms, air conditioned, kingsize beds, and breakfast included for less than what we paid last night.  The rooms were clean and spacious and very comfortable.   Ciara checked us in and was very helpful.  In the course of conversation it came up we were going to Cork, Ireland, and she got all excited because that is where she is from.  She and Dad talked for about half and hour about where all to go, what all to see, and how to do it all.

We had sandwiches for supper, got settled in, planned our time for tomorrow, and played some rummy.  It was a great ending to our day.

After a good night's sleep and a delicious breakfast, we made our way to Stratford-Upon-Avon Town Centre.  We were impressed with the street lined with shops of all kinds.  Our first stop was Shakespeare's birthplace.  Some of the home is original dating back to the 1500's.

 Halie going in.

When we came out into the garden there were actors performing part of one of his plays.  We sat and watched to the end.
See Juliet in the window?

At one time, Shakespeare turned his childhood home into a pub.

The gift shop was fun to walk through and we all enjoyed the various ways Shakespeare's quotes have been used to adorn items.

 We were back out onto the street, in the rain, going from one shop to another. 

The real jesters!  Jason & Halie

Barbara & Bob in front of Shakespeare's birthplace on Henley Street.

There was a Christmas shop and Halie and I both found nativity sets we purchased.  An antique map interested Jason and Halie found a map of Norfolk where the Bird line came from.  

 Fun in a phone booth.

The street began filling up with more and more tourists.  We kept looking and walking and decided it was time for lunch.  We found an Italian place and had lunch.

The teddy bear shop was amazing.  I do not think I have not seen such an array of stuffed animals in one place before!  Halie & Barbara

Our next stop was Anne Hathaway's Cottage.  No, not the movie star, but the wife of William Shakespeare.  It too, dates back to the 1500's.  Guides inside explained various rooms and furniture as well as telling about her family.  We did not spend much time in the gardens as the rain was coming down pretty good by now.
 Halie & Jason above.  Barbara below.

 A beautiful setting with a beautiful girl!
Got it!

 A baby cradle.

 In some areas it was not possible to stand up right.

How about this kitchen to cook.

A picture of Anne's home during her growing up years.

One more item on our list was a boat ride on the Avon.  In the rain we went, and luckily the boat was enclosed.
 Halie & Jason
 The four of us in a selfie.

The river went past the Shakespeare Royal Theatre and the church where Shakespeare is buried.  When we got off, we walked back to the church and went inside and viewed the graves inside the church.  We stayed inside for awhile, not wanting to go back out into the rain.
 The Shakespeare Royal Theatre

 Holy Trinity Church.
Grave sites of William and Anne.

 Flower-lined street in the rain.

It was time to head home so we got into the car and off we went.  We weren't on the road very long when Bob saw a notice saying the M25 was slow.  I gave Jason the map, they reset the sat nav and we took off another way.  We twisted and turned; went this way and that way; sloshed through the rain and had moments of none falling; went the wrong way, went the right way; stopped for the toilet and a snack and finally got home.  We were all happy to have arrived.

From the homefront:

Bob Brown, Caballeros de Yuma el presidente, presents a donation check for $200 to Michelle Hamilton, store manager of the Gotta Dream Treasures Thrift Store. Funds will be used to purchase clothing racks for their store. Proceeds from the thrift store will be used to fulfill the dreams of children in Yuma and surrounding communities.
Way to go second cousins!

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