12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Holiday Over, Dennis, & New Missionary, 22-28 September 2015

We were back to the temple this week.  Sister Cooper, my Shift Leader, injured her knee and asked if I would be in charge.  I was for the week.  I checked in with her each evening to report and then for her to give assignments for the next day.  It certainly kept me busy.

Sister Paula Carlson, from Goodyear, AZ, and a friend of my friend, Kathy Goodrich, arrived on Tuesday, the newest missionary at the temple.  We took her shopping after shift and had a great time in the store helping her sort through labels and where to find things.  She and Sister Russell came for dinner that evening.  Everyone enjoyed talking and getting to know one another.  It was a great day, indeed.

Saturday was a fantastic day in the temple.  We did more than 470 endowments and all other areas were continually busy throughout the day.  It was great to have an extra amount of temple workers and everyone worked well together in meeting the needs of the patrons.  It is such a joy to see the Lord's house filled as it was with faithful, humble patrons.  I assisted a sister in a wheelchair.  I was touched by her tender, sweet, happy spirit.  She talked about how much she enjoys coming to the temple and comes as often as she can.

We were surprised with an email from Dennis.  He was in the UK but did not have a car.  We worked out a plan and he came by train on Sunday and spent the afternoon with us.  We had a great time with lots of card playing, visiting, Sunday dinner, and a stroll on the temple grounds.
 Sister Paula Carlson, Barbara, Dennis talking "Arizona" lingo!
 Funny man Dennis!
 The traditional pose.

 A brilliant display of color.

 Dennis & Barbara. . . . . . . . .
 Dennis & Bob.  Notice all the sunshine!  Fabulous!

This was a busy week for birthdays.  Hal celebrated his on the 23rd along with. . . . . .

Nick, who turned four the same day.

Bailey turned four five days later on the 28th!

We were saddened to hear of the passing of Elder Richard G. Scott, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, on Tuesday, 22 September 2015.  He will be missed for his gentle spirit and power to teach.  We were able to watch his funeral services at the Visitors' Centre, along with other missionaries.  I smiled as his son told of family vacations and Dad never making hotel reservations; he just started looking for a place to stay when evening came.  Memories came to mind as a child myself on such occasions and then as a mother.

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