12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Temple Week #65 With Halie & Jason, 24-31 August 2015

We began this week on the early shift at the temple.  Dad took the kids to the train each morning before we had to report and they were off on more adventures.

One day they caught the train to Brighton.  When they got there it was raining, windy, and cold.  They were early so none of the shops were open.  They walked the pier, saw the English Channel, got soaked through and decided to come back home.  They came over to the temple to get the key to the flat where they got dry and warm.

We all went on a session together.  Dad and I enjoyed introducing them to our fellow temple workers and friends.  It was a wonderful time in the temple.  We then headed out for dinner at the King Henry VIII pub in Hever, only to find there were no tables available.  The server suggested we go to the Wheat Sheaf down the road about a mile.  Dad and Jason plotted the course and off we went.  To our dismay the menu was very expensive in spite of us sitting in the 1500's section of the pub.  We each found something on the starter menu and ordered.  Jason and I had the same chicken thing, but he had triple cooked chips and I had seasoned new potatoes.  Dad and Halie both had the tomato soup with bread and the same salad with greens, sliced apple, and walnuts.  We enjoyed the food with everyone tasting each other's.

Coming home, we went by way of East Grinstead and took them to the Prime Meridian Line.
Where the East meets West!

At the temple we strolled out onto the grounds and took photos here and there.  Back in the flat we ended the day with games of Rummy with Jason still trying to win.
 Halie & Jason
 Barbara & Bob

Their last night was Jason's lucky day as he won both games of Rummy we played!  He went home a happy man.

Friday came and it was the end of their visit.   The night before they packed up and even fit in a suitcase full of stuff for us.  That was amazing and we are so grateful they were able to take it. Jason definitely is the master packer!

We got permission to leave our shift early and take them to Heathrow for their flight back to America.    We allowed 2 hours for the 45 minutes drive and that was a good thing, as the traffic was thick and slow and it took the 2 hours to get them there.

Our weekend was filled with temple preparation lessons for Natalie, getting tail lights on the car replaced, and taking a blanket I crocheted the edge on to Steve & Leah Vowels for their new little one, Becky.  It was a nice visit with them in holding the baby and sharing the events of the week.

It was rainy all week and through the weekend.  I also rehearsed with Brother Tooley and Sister Smith each evening.  Sunday, they sang their musical item in Sacrament Meeting and did a very nice job.  As they say over here, "Well done!"  We both just about slept the rest of Sunday away, we were so tired from all the fun.

Monday was a bank holiday and it was our shift's turn to work in the temple with reduced hours.  We had adequate patrons and before we knew it it was 2 p.m., time to come home.  I had wanted to go to a jousting tournament at Hever Castle, but we were out later than we thought and it was raining.  We stayed home.  We cleaned the flat, did the laundry and the ironing, and just relaxed.

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