12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcoming In The New Year, 2015

We welcomed in the New Year with having a brunch at our flat.  The Coopers, Garretts, and Parkinsons all came and we had a wonderful time.  I made biscuits and gravy and a slow cooker breakfast casserole.  The Garretts brought fresh fruit, the Coopers brought hot chocolate, and the Parkinsons brought orange juice.  Marie brought extra plates and forks and knives as my kitchen is equipped with only 6 of each.

Left to right:  Brad & Marie Parkinson, Dad, Darryl & Terry Cooper, Steve & Sandi Garrett.

Darryl & Terry had never heard of Christmas Crackers.  We had one left over so we got it out and they pulled it open.  They were surprised but enjoyed the experience.

For the afternoon, Dad and I went to see, "Midnight At The Museum, The Secret Of The Tomb."  We had a fun time at the theater even if their popcorn is not as delicious as in the states.  We couldn't even smell it when we walked in and were afraid there would be none to buy.  The theater was packed and we had to sit one in front of the other.

With having seen the first two with some of our grandchildren, we had to see this one!

I went to watch "Meet The Mormons," at the Visitors' Centre at 6 p.m.  Wow, what a movie!  The testimonies of those in it are amazing and show that the gospel is for everyone, all of God's children.

If you haven't seen it, make plans.  It is well worth your time.  It is filled with amazing stories of ordinary people and some not so ordinary people.  They all have one thing in common; a testimony of the gospel and that binds them together.  It shows that the gospel is for everyone, each one of God's children.

We finished up the week with two days in the temple.  It was a joy to work with the patrons who came.  In spite of our short staff, we were able to attend to their needs and provide the opportunity for them to worship.
Temple Schedule for 2015.

Saturday night we went to dinner in celebration of Sandi Garrett's birthday.  We went to the Wiremill Pub for a delicious meal.  None of us had been there before, so it was a new experience for all of us.
I had goat cheese stuffed chicken with a mushroom sauce and garlic roasted potatoes.  Dad had a cheese stuffed hamburger and chips.  Other dishes were ordered by others.  Dad's burger was served on a small cutting board with a steak knife stuck through the burger into the cutting board.  The chips came in a white mug.

Left and back:  Bryant & Arleen Davis, Dad & I, Jean Walters.
Coming up the right side:  Graham Walters, Sandi & Steve Garrett, Avril & Tony Rayton.

Sunday was filled with picking up Natalie Green for church and being in the Nursery.  Sister Freeman went with us as she is a friend of Natalie's and wanted to visit with her.  Natalie was so appreciative of the ride due to her being in a wheelchair.  She did not know if she could last the whole three hours and we assured her we could take her home when needed.  I believe the joy of being to church and among friends over came her pain and she remained the whole time.  She said it was so good to get out and to be at church.  She even wheeled herself to the front of the chapel and bore her testimony, which was wonderful.  I admire her faith.

There were three little boys in nursery and with us and Anastasia, it went really well.  Cole was all about knocking down the blocks and Theo enjoyed pushing the baby dolls in the stroller.  This was Ethan's second time and he wasn't too sure about mummy leaving.  She got him interested in playing with the legos and after awhile was able to slip out.  He played quite well until he noticed she was gone.  He headed for the door saying: "Mum, mum."  Dad was sitting there and was able to divert his attention to other things.  It wasn't long before he crawled up on his lap and there he sat.

Sunday evening found us at a "Hi" for the Walters, Raytons, Brookes, and Ortons.  It was interesting to hear of their conversions and journeys  to working in the temple.  We found out that Brother Walters and Brother Brookes both were singers in Rock 'n Roll bands in their younger years and their personalities make that clear to see.  Brother Walters is quite the story teller and had us all spell-bound as he told of his courtship with his wife and his proposal.

We are serving here with wonderful people; dedicated, well grounded in the gospel, generous, and loving people.  It is a blessing to be here with them.  They all make their mark in our hearts and in our own testimonies.

Monday was another day of no sunshine.  My lethargy and anti social feelings are becoming more and more pronounced.  By the time it is pitch dark at 5 p.m., I am ready for bed and can hardly keep myself going.  I have to make a conscious effort to stay busy.  So, we caught the bus to Tesco and ordered a sun lamp.  Hopefully the lack of sunlight is the problem and I will soon be able to function at a normal level, whatever that is.

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